Sunday, August 26, 2007

Quanapin For Hepatitis C

Anime: Why I do not like because I like Pokemon and Naruto

Ebbene si lo confesso: appartengo alla generazione dei nati negli anni '70 e cresciuti con Anime e cultura Giapponese. Ore e lunghe giornate invernali passate a vedere anime, oggi dei classici, che mandavano le tue giornate da Marte all'epoca Sengoku nel giro di un'ora, il tutto sempre incentrato su grandi valori nipponicissimi quali Onore, Orgoglio, il valore del Riscatto e del Sacrificio.

Oggi permane il luogo comune, quantomai errato, che gli anime Nipponici siano prodotti di scarsa qualità: non lo erano negli anni '80 e tantomeno lo sono oggi!

La difficoltà di questo genere, as well as its strength lies in the fact that souls are often very complex in the values \u200b\u200bexpressed in the manner of expressing them, and even graphics. It is said that those with more basic or childish graphics are simple ones: Hunter x Hunter, for example, is a great anime very basic in design but rigid and far from simple in content, as well as in the plot (skipping a few episodes, I assure you , you lose the thread and you are like a labrinto: lost!).

This makes it difficult the task of supervision of a parent, I understand well despite not having children, because it requires attention, a spirit of observation and common sense factors that engage in very long days have already been committed.
Walt Disney è certamente più comodo: cartoni con trame sempre uguali su canovaccio standardizzato, talmente tanto standardizzato ultimamente, che viene da pensare che sia molto comodo pensare che i bambini siano, per età, deficienti ( scusate il termine), e non in grado di assimilare nulla più di un prodotto già pre-omogeneizzato e pre-digerito.
Non che non sia un'amante di Walt Disney: come tutti gli occidentali ho una perfetta conoscenza sin dall'infanzia dei suoi prodotti e degli sterminati casi dei suoi orfani (di uno o più genitori), fatta eccezione per le favole classiche e gli "Incredibili" ( cartoon anomalo per la casa produttrice e molto più vicino agli anime per complessità e alta qualità).

However, the lack of knowledge of anime and basically the lack of understanding of what children (and many of those born in the '70s - '80 - '90) watching today on TV, create paradox of censorship absurd and unintentionally comic. In the afternoon slot

have long raged Pokemon, acclaim of parents who, quite rightly a superficial view, they are cute and funny.
This is the view that media generally feel on newsstands the morning while I buy the newspaper, and crowds of children buying cards for the Nintendo different souls, as if they were collectors decks of poker, as I wonder if my shiba (who do not buy the paper but are semplicemente a spasso) sono come quelli del Nintendo ( in caso contrario i miei shiba sarebbero ovviamente taroccati ). Generalmente i genitori mi chiedono informazioni sui cuccioli, essendo i miei shiba proprio carini come quelli del nintendo, sincerandosi magari, che non sporchino, proprio come lo shiba allevato dal Nintendo ( no comment).

Tornando ai Pokemon, l'equivoco grafica - contenuti, a mio avviso, è quanto mai vero in questo anime.
Vorrei sapere come mai nessuno delle molteplici leghe Moige - Animaliste - No Global - Social Impegnate e quant'altro ha mai criticato seriamente la violenza di contenuti di questo anime, che peraltro dovrebbe avere un target di utenza molto bassa per età (intorno ai 5-7 anni).

Io lo trovo di una violenza spaventosa, come trovo violento che un bambino di nemmeno 10 anni passi 30 min. al giorno guardando un Anime dove un gruppo di bambini-ragazzini di età assortita e analoga allo spettatore, vagano di paese in paese con lo scopo di far combattere i propri animali domestici gli uni contro gli altri.
Il concetto è infiocchettato e nascosto da mille sfumature e colori e da una grafica abilmente infantile, però è essenzialmente questo: i protagonisti sfidano altri comprimari a combattimenti fra i propri animali; animali che oltretutto non vengono solo allevati a questo scopo ( eh si, nelle puntate vedrete tutta la filiera: gli allevatori degli animali da combattimento, i veterinari, i produttori di cibi per animali convalescent, or addrittura for high performance in combat, and so on: complete chain available to television viewers), but are also caught (some species of Pokemon appear to be available only in wild form), domesticated and trained by the young stars of the Combat ' Anime.
If instead of fantastic animals, there were dogs or cocks or anything else, you will find something so innocent?
I find only more explicit. Certainly a well
boy grew older and already knows how to distinguish reality from fantasy, and knows what to discard messages in the proposed, because it is already supposed to have a solid back round of the values \u200b\u200bgiven by the family, but I wonder: How do you see a child 5 anni il cane di casa, crescendo coi Pokemon?

Eppure non ho sentito una sola critica sensata a questo anime (se non solite cose di marginale dettaglio, quali commenti sulla grafica o sulla scarsa qualità del prodotto nipponico in generale, insomma parole al vento), il che mi induce a pensare che chi ne ha parlato non abbia mai guardato questo anime, o meglio, non lo abbia mai guardato con attenzione.

Non me ne voglia la casa produttrice di busness legato ai Pokemon, io non trovo immorale le carte, i giochi di per se e tutto il resto, anzi: sono del parere che gli attuali giochi di carte siano più intelligenti e stimolanti del noioso collezionare figurine della mia infanzia (non ho mai finito un album, lo confesso).
I am sure, a potential parent figures who spend ridiculously stupid in these things.

But this particular anime, Pokemon, I do not like the content, and violence in the message given.
will I breed dogs in a hobby, you are hypersensitive, it will be a problem of my own set of values, but I see in those souls, only children who challenge other kids to capture and breed animals to be used in combat.

little I care if the owner of the defeated and dying child leans over it, crying and thanking him for letting us put the whole (in groped in turn mortally wounding the other animal, is clear), the fact remains that is shown as a moral passion for combat training between animals.
Then we live in a country where Sirchia and then came petty morality makes lists of dangerous breeds, and debates and outraged, and rightly so, for dog fighting.
But how can you angry in the evening watching the television news images of battles and fights between animals bring to children in the afternoon? I
indignant because the children all the sacred afternoons watching 30 minutes of peers who are fighting with their animals.
I have strong doubts that this is educational.

On the other hand, the being that is the rather bizarre Moige (and similar), I promptly ruined the episodes of "Naruto", apart from the usual superficial and often comically dubbing Puritans to Mediaset, which are already used by early childhood.
I must say that the Internet and the sale of DVD release me from this problem, but sometimes I'd look at this excellent quality product, even in Italian (the Japanese, I swear, sooner or later they'll learn, having no alternative).

Naruto is a great anime that deals with the difficulties of growing up and finding their own way, as well as, recurring theme is that of responsibility for their choices.
E 'souls in a sharp contrast with the relativism that is rampant in society Modern Western relativism that gives you the illusion that on a personal level is really no choice final and conclusive, nor that it is really just paying the consequences both in temrini of success of failure.

This is a Naruto Anime refined in content: the various characters in supporting roles and even occasional ones, are outlined in a complex and Artioli, changing traits in both somatic and spiritual growing, acquiring knowledge and experiences, in short maturing.
all accompanied by great graphics and a bright and cheerful pattern of the plot, but never boring. Toshiro Masuda The soundtrack is exquisite, with nothing to envy to the soundtracks of films first class.

There are many people that I talk about reviewing this excellent Manga-Anime, but obviously you can not view its vastness.

This anime hit me for another thing: Naruto, the protagonist, I like him. This almost never happens, because the protagonists are usually too busy to show a pattern or too unattainable included in them or falsely awkward. Well, usually the protagonist is the character less interesting and less thick.

But Naruto is a character who gradually discovers his past, thus giving an explanation to his loneliness, a positive solution to its present and its future in a positive direction. It 'a positive character and courageous, you do not blame you nor pity their situation. Instead
reacts, trying to improve and reach the highest honor (to become hokage) in order to be respected and accepted by the other above. Results already achieved in that time, working in a positive way about himself and the Report for the other. Then resolves his suffering, not getting lost in intent of revenge or retaliation, or of domination or oppression, but with an objective of positive real success.

In this anime there are characters that you have and which are lost, showing that its path is determined by their choices and the ability to draw everyone's suffering e gli eventi che si incontriano lungo il corso della vita.

In contrapposizione i destini di Gaara del Deserto e Uchida Sasuke.
Gaara, al pari del protagonista, vive una vita di rifiuto, anche se un coccolato rifiuto, a cui da come risposta una strategia di semplice sopravvivenza di se stesso su tutto e tutti. Gaara, confrontandosi con Naruto e con Konoha, troverà se stesso e si accorgerà di non essere solo (ha 2 ottimi fratelli, che pur avendo paura di lui, in origine, non lo lasciano mai e si sono sempre preoccupati per lui). Questo farà si che cambierà la sua visione delle cose e le sue scelte, insomma cambierà il corso della sua vita.
I pensieri e i dialoghi di Gaara sono fra i più raffinati e complessi the soul and the most massacred by Mediaset.
In contrast to Gaara that he won his loneliness and is redeemed, there Uchida Sasuke, a character who will never really overcome their own childhood, and that this weakness will be lost in the sterile goal of revenge and pursuit of power for power itself.
Gaara tells him: "has the eyes of those who do not know the value of its existence."
E 'innovative and interesting a character trait of the two brothers Uchida, Itachi and Sasuke.
As their paths take a path away from the values \u200b\u200bof their homeland, Konoha, they always retain their own in a background of values \u200b\u200bthat will influence their actions in opposition to the choices made. Although they deny friendship, affection and seeking only the affirmation of their own, will never be unnecessarily cruel, nor cruel really, but you always show somehow "moral", so that his companions noticed this dark journey times and stress this "anomaly" saying, "INEL way you act you see that come to Konoha." As if to say: no matter how your choices may be far from your roots, what you are is still with you, and in any case continue to affect your life.
E 'likely that these very good foundation to give a chance for redemption against a wrong life.

The other character I want to talk about is Rock Lee. Not only that, together with his teacher Gai, is often the occasion of funny gags in the plot, but is itself far more complex than it appears in the themes.
Rock Lee is a guy with no talent who want to pursue a path in itself impossible for him.
And 'the theme of the success achieved by their own strength and the ability to compensate for the lack of talent with perseverance, sacrifice and hard work.
This makes it special and respected in the eyes of all his classmates and his teacher.
Lee is a character who reminds us, however, that willpower alone can not suffice if you lack the confidence in themselves and a positive spirit.
Lee is a real person because failed to show falsely that without the talent and the only work you can get and perhaps even exceed those naturally gifted.
The story of Lee shows you, in practice, you can pursue with success and skill, albeit more difficult, a road course you would be precluded, resulting in this respect and consideration.
The fact remains that the objective is to achieve this, compensation and not a silly lack of talent or stupid proof that talent does not really need. Lee
just shows you that you can do it anyway.
This character is positive and winning 100% and a great example because, although they can never really overcome who was talented, is not lost trying to envy or pity the other of itself, but rather is self-awareness of their strengths and limitations prorpri. This gives him a positive incentive and reason to work hard, and thus overcomes their shortcomings, while developing and enhancing their resources.
With this positive spirit and brilliant shows to be a winner and can thus remain head-up with the others.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

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Handling and Culture

The dogs and a small, small livestock sector and the world of breeding. For the most part the professionalism of our industry is related to the simple passion and a person's ability to educate and professionalize.
La Grande Livestock is made of animals, men, passion, and above all a great professionalism, not only in breeding but also in the present.

Maybe we delude ourselves that the handling is a unique part of the dog-show and disconnected from doing animal husbandry: this is very wrong!

The handling livestock in a highly professional and has many things to the forefront. Precisely for this reason I open this post, because from the comparison and understanding ideas and innovations are born.
It is also important to understand where to go and what sial the actual value of something, to know where it is born.

From the pictures you will see later, you will understand how difficult it is and how much technical skill and human there is lead in an animal farm.
Unlike dogs, where there are several theories more or less new and more or less obsolete, wheredoes cover the choice may be simpler than that of coercion and domination on the animal called the "gentle way", in animal husbandry, the empathy factor is certainly a sine qua non element can lead the animal. Just as the selection for docility and character is essential for livestock (as shown in these images).

These people and these photos are the equivalent to those that take place in the Expo CACIB dog or for the bob. They are therefore representative of the best shows and that those individuals of that race.

Percheron Stallion
Three Holes Grenandier
Presented by R. Johnson
Hole Holes Hall.Three
Royal Show UK

I could not start with a subject of an exhibition English English!
As you can see the profile of posture is equivalent to Free the Dog Show. The auction serves to indicate to the driver how to place the animal (of course work can not be manual as in the dog show!). Clothing and style of the driver are in harmony with the exposed person. The subject is placed in a perfect fit plastic, similar to the old ways of placing some greyhound and shepherd dogs in dog show (ie the hind leg on the side of the conductor brought forward, as in the beginning of a pace). This pose of strength and vitality to the figure of the animal, now in the Show-dog, unfortunately, is a pose démodé than static poses and more anonymous, but more easily and quickly achievable on all types of dog.

Montone Bergamasco
Presented by P. Fiorucci
Prop. D. Mosconi
Fieragricola Verona

As you can see, race Bergamo is substantial in size, as a big Great Dane. The presentation does not differ. But the preparation of the animal spirit? Sure
a sheep does not have the same arrangement of a dog in this type of work. As already mentioned, the empathy factor is required for the handling and the perfect location and the greatest expression of this subject is demonstrated to perfection.

Horse Polo Argentino
Ombucito Impacto
by H. Ulloha
of Properties of O. Echeverz

Ottimo esempio di Junior Handling: questo soggetto è presentato da un bambino. Anche per lui valgono le cose già dette, dall'abbigliamento in tono con l'esemplare, al controllo che si deve avere su di esso, alla fiducia che il soggetto e conduttore si dimostrano reciprocamente.

Toro Blond d'Aquitagne
1631 kg
Presentato da M. Therese Valery
Prop. M. Larroque
Salon d'agricolture 1998 - Parigi

Non solo uomini...
L'handler di animali da reddito necessita di una conoscenza profonda dell'animale, empatia, e capacità di trasmettere sicurezza e quiete all'animale: doti queste che sono proprie delle persone senza distinzioni di sesso. In questa foto la conduttrice sta piazzando l'animale. Gesti semplici. una mano nella cavezza per dirigerlo e l'altra sul collo. I comandi spesso sono a voce.
Nessuno può pensare che questi animali si possano contenere con la forza bruta, o no!?!?
Basta raffrontare la fisicità dell'animale rispetto alla conduttrice!
Per chi avesse immaginato che negli animali da reddtito lo show fosse dozzinale e ruspante, prego di notare l'abbigliamento: Tailleur sui toni Blonde del mantello del soggetto.

Vorrei far notare come si scrivono data: owner, breeding, and conductor, is also written to any persons accompanying the animal. Is always referred to all the staff around the animal.
This is efficient and transparent in the information (I have several subjects sheep originating from a single handler for example).

The handling is a factor in animal husbandry trial irrelevant: the art of the present expressed in these photos it does not appear, but it is so .
The judging system includes a first ranking in the morning made with the handler designated by the property, and a classifca the afternoon with a handler to draw. The court then re-evaluates the afternoon the same animal handler to a random draw. The judge, for margin regulation di errore di 1 soggetto soltato (ovvero può variare la classifica solo di un soggetto dalla mattina al pomeriggio).
Pur essendo quindi, l'handling assolutamente ininfluente sul giudizio, è di una professionalità altissima.
Un handler infatti, non sa che animale esporrà nel pomeriggio, la capacità quindi, di entrare i sintonia con l'animale deve essere massima, così come la perizia e la sicurezza in se stessi, che l'animale, rassicurandosi a sua volta, deve percepire.

Questo dovrebbe far riflettere proprio noi del dog show....

Immagini tratte da: "Uomini e Animali" ed. L. Arte
