TALES OF ROMAGNA Di solito non affronto temi impegnativi o scottanti in questo blog.
Ma il mio animo is filled with sadness.
These days my land, this land of red Romagna is torn and inflamed by controversy for 250 Pointer that has always stood here. Pointer Romagna rooted in this land to the roots of Sangiovese, now eradicated as old weed roots.
These pointers have become a tremendous media event where it is impossible not to have an opinion perfectly aligned animality more ideologically extreme and intolerant than ever that rides great disdain and easy approval. Indeed, I should write the story around these Pointer, because no one speaks of them as Pointer and no last-minute screamer, between tears and outrage, seems interested.
Obviously we've seen an exhilarating (not to say grotesque) elbowing to get on the wagon so succulent that easily leads the newspapers with an easy, basic script to seguire.E I refer to politicians of all colors and symbols, with the old breeders new and pre-owned, exhibitors and people who do not even know the existence of a dog than the Labrador.
When writing of dogs there is a critical and there is never enough to have depth because the bad (always the farmer, ordered a priori) and the good, the animal.
The game media in the keeping of dogs that tirelessly, with no possibility of escape. There
analysis, there is no depth, no one ever asks how and why we are faced with problem situations. It 's always easy: there is a torturer, and there is good. No need to understand anything, comfortable no!?
While the usual scenario arises, I think the dogs, this Pointer, Fermator of excellence, and born in almost the ground and ripped from this earth in a trauma-based and gloomy.
The only real victims in this story.
victims at multiple levels because these dogs are not just dogs, not only pointer, pointers are also representing a symbol of excellence in the livestock world, but now we can say "They" were ...
Sono vittime come cani perchè nel bene e nel male , nel clamore dei media e nella furia dello sdegno li si è strappati senza tanti complimenti e come se non avessero un passato e un presente.
Senza prendersi il tempo di capire e di trovare una soluzione adeguata a QUEI cani così particolari con equilibri così delicati...
Semplicemente è il caso mediatico che interessa, nello stereotipo: il cattivo allevatore e il buon animalista. Ma di quello che davvero necessitavano questi cani...bhè quello proprio non è interessante....
Sono vittime come Pointer, nobili signori della ferma, che trovano nella caccia al becaccino la massima espresione di se stessi. Da domani gli verrà insegnato che la loro nature of hunting dogs, is unethical, does not conform to the ideology of the good at all costs. Dear
Pointer no longer run cutting through the wind, you're not coming home any more proud of the game bag full, with the signs on the athlete dell'intrepido muscle action in the bushes, never without statues, no more consensus, no more long days of hunting on express yourself, to do what ever you were born, because you were born wrong. But you
careful, if all goes well, a future of ethics that will teach you not to run for the wind, not to stop the becaccino, but being a fat, lazy, useless, anonymous dog without identity or joy to be what you are.
But so, Pointer my dear, you learn to be good for a dog!
As it is your very nature, is your very existence, to be wrong.
There is no respect, there is no knowledge, no love for what you really are, but you dear Pointer so that you will be saved, because you will no longer Pointer. Pointer
These are also victims as a heritage breed of dog, as the entire population of the entire line of blood is likely to be sterilized and dispersed. There will be no new breeders neither heirs nor anything else that can understand, learn and work on that excellence, because today, January 9, 2009, will witness the total destruction of this heritage.
This is the annihilation at all levels.
I write, his face streaked with tears, I do not have pointers, I've never bred pointer, I've had the pleasure of seeing these dogs at work.
But I understand that we are witnessing the historical moment of an entire line of blood that is ethically destroyed and crushed between large crowds of cheering and cries of the media.
The burning of the Library of Alexandria must have been something like, yes this story is a similar disaster.
I did not think in my short cinofilia remain in the official (only 8 years old) I never seen such a thing.
not want to write of human misery (and inhuman) that you see around. When these things happen and they fall masks the true nature of people comes out: the show, I assure you, it can be really creepy.
some dignity and honor honesty is not as widespread hypocrisy, a triple, betrayal and opportunism.
But in this dirty business entities and also there was evidence of people who are not conscious and surprising humanity and for their dedication and sensitivity in protecting these animals.
primarily ENPA now I admit, is an entity that did not know.
since '95 with a tenacity and a unique dedication to a prblem so complex was applied to find a solution compatible with the really real these dogs. And a solution that was really a full guarantee and protection of these animali.Non matter if external events have thrown the whole thing. The quality and honesty in dedicate to these animals will not be dimenticato.Sono really impressed. A praise to
admired Dr. Locatelli, ENPA President of Ravenna, with good and bad (but always within the law) helped to become aware of a problem here in Ravenna and was taking him to a compatible solution. I am deeply admired for the courageous stand for the protection of these animals during and after this bad seizure. If my dogs ever find themselves in difficulty as you wish it were people working on it. Know that the safe enough for me.
do not even know the counselor Ancisi, of Ravenna, but his question says much of the aid that he wanted to give these animals and this can not be forgotten, and a small dog from a breeder I say thank you.
I wish I could put this list in the farmers' associations and associations of hunting, but given recent developments, I just can not ... for a while the Pointer Club of Italy made me dream that there would be protection of dogs (not the farmer) such as dogs, as pointer and as a line of blood ... but it was just an illusion.
E termino here, his face marked by tears for these pointer that no longer exist today.