Il benessere animale è un tema molto in voga oggi.
La finalità è condivisa da tutti, le vie come spesso accade no.
Voglio chiarire che, pur non essendo animalista, ho il massimo rispetto per chi opera a tutela degli animali, da qualunque estrazione provenga, senza distinzioni: da chi è animalista a chi lavora con gli animali.
l'etica tesa al benessere degli animali deve unire e non dividere.
La tutela degli animali a mio avviso NON ha matrice ideologica, ma sono principi Etici che accomunano tutti us.
The example of the Law 5 / 2005 in Emilia Romagna is an attempt to reconcile ethics and technology.
It 'true that I agree absolutely with the principles and the purpose of protecting and guaranteeing animal welfare, but I have criticized, has always some technical sides: everything is perfect.
Upon application of fact, this law is very repressive and oppressive towards the non-intensive farming, urges livestock facilities on the type Puppy Farm. I think the focus welfare on the farm is giving priority to quality and farms that tend to this, then I think the best fits well in the opposite direction to the puppy farm.
For some time I turn to the idea of \u200b\u200braising the quality and tended to increase. The farmer should grow up in a law that makes them feel protected and guide him along a path of quality, without inconsistencies that may also lead to periods of illegal or otherwise.
Unfortunately, the laws are born with intent repressive and oppressive especially to those who want to work well: rather often, starting from a good position in applying these laws are an obstacle to farming and high quality non-intensive.
I think the abuse is a scourge for breeding dogs, economies and well-being. why breeding should be accessible and regularly measure and dog breeder, with open minds ideological hidden behind the concept of animal welfare.
My frame of reference is where Scandinavian and Northern European breeding dog does not suffer from illegal by the presence of rules built specifically for the sector, with no preconceptions whatsoever.
For example, the structures in northern Europe are not designed on the model of intensive, and this is no small thing. In Italy, absurdly, the dog is experiencing a push towards strtturazione on intensive model for the reality of quality medium and small, often without taking into account the diversity of breeds.
long time and I would like to propose that the breeding canine take the path of sustainability environment and simplification of structures especially for those small and medium size.
The principle is consistent with the current government: Simplification and Emergence promote legality and control.
It 'true that the rules should be equal for all farms or refuges.
It 'true that the law should give the same guarantees for foundlings sterilized held in small or large numbers of livestock and dogs. 5
whole or neutered dogs are entitled to the same safeguards and then to the same obligations for dententori.
This is a desirable area of \u200b\u200blaw that is not born of hatred or class but by common ideological purpose della garanzia del benessere animale.
Questo per gli animali in primis, prima che per noi stessi.