Saturday, August 1, 2009

How To Wax A Penis Vidoes

Post Offices and Dogs: I have never finished in the newspapers! The Health Ethics

not know if it's a question of hysteria of the moment or if I tend to be too liege to the state. The fact is that I have never finished in the newspapers yet signed and Sayuki were repeatedly thrown out from the post office of Castel San Pietro Terme (or better Sayuki was not that great "welcome").

This, in part cause my grumbling, and partly caused by the other people dirty looks when there were (I used to go to the post office hours absurd and never crowded), has never caused articoloni on the front page of any newspaper. Sayuki
and I we were discriminated against in this ?!?!? possible!

yet my forays into post with Sayuki were numerous: he is a puppy was thrown out by the director in person, by post office desert, a young man he was thrown out by a cashier (screaming), which has refused to do money as long as "the animal" was not released because it could disturb other people (who were petting the animal while filling me with questions that I was harshly reprimanded), and finally Sayuki sample famoso in paese dopo articolo di giornale, è stato buttato fuori dal medesimo ufficio postale dalla donna delle pulizie (con tanto di levata di scopettone minaccioso).

Tengo a precisare che Sayuki oltre ad essere di una educazione esemplare è anche un cane snob che ama i complimenti. Faccio presente al mio gentile lettore che da sempre Sayuki viene a fare shopping, al ristorante, in albergo ecc con me, quindi è un cane particolarmente avvezzo alla vita urbana, e non c'è mai stata ragione per cui lui non fosse più che ben accetto...tranne che in posta !!!

Tant'è che io, obbediente anche alla donna delle pulizie dell'ufficio postale, l'ho sempre legato fuori ad un posteggio per biciclette anche col solleone senza scatenare putiferi sul giornale.

Io non credo o non ho mai creduto, vista la normalità di essere buttata fuori dalla posta qualora disgraziatamente munita di cane , che tali fatti siano così grravi da dover scatenari putiferi mediatici.

Mi chiedo se questi casi mediatici sugli animali talvolta non siano un sintomo di isteria cllettiva o mancanza di valori e sensibilità verso i nostri simili(e quindi una incapacità di amare davvero gli animali) che usa gli animali per far passare emotività, frustrazione, aggressività verso le persone.
D'altra parte sulla porta del'ufficio postale c'è la targhetta col divieto di ingresso ai cani e quando si entra col cane si è in effetti in foul. My natural lack of discipline I have never done desist from raids in dogs equipped with mail, but objectively in the wrong was I!

office you visit, the Romans do.

Here in my small village of Ravenna, there is a small, charming, efficient, post office.
To tell the truth is far less chic than that of Castel San Pietro Terme, however, is very welcoming.
recently have ruled two postal employees not only very good (you have to see how they perform with Japan now) but also smiling and jovial. There antianimali
nameplate on the door, but my dogs do not enter.

In this post office, well before I arrived, making a stop down a cat sterilized, which is the neighborhood cat for several years: cared a little bit all over the country is now the cat's post.
Log in and out of office with absolute mastery, greets the audience cordialemtne fixed and occasional snoring in his chair near the radiator in the winter prefirta (get used to know that should not be occupied because it is the chair of the cat), is the honors.

My dogs are outside the post office more than anything else because the cat did not (rightly) his consent to their presence. The cat
mail prevents me from bringing dogs, just as the manager, the cashier and the cleaning lady. What can I

Well, this quiet routine of the country was "disturbed" to a user that has "threatened" the postman to call the ASL if the cat had not decamped. Question of hygiene: the cat can not just be the mail!
I do not know that ASL is going to evict the cat or that has been made (yet) officially reported.
So much so that, given the Italian ASL, which tend to turn anything into a sterile operating room, I would not be surprised of an eviction or worse than a cat shelter in deportation, or worse still a catch by a pious cat lady.

for now I hope that the cat may continue to do the honors in the mail ... and my dogs questo ad attendermi fuori dalla porta!!!