Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Denim Maternity Jumper

Working Dog: Lexicon and Cinotecnica

Mi è giunta qualche perplessità sul discorso inerente all'Akita come Working dog nell'ultimo articolo apparso su "i Nostri Cani" a mia firma.
Alcune anche sarcastiche o ipersicure, per non dire spavalde.
Vabbhè ci vuole molta pazienza!

Cominciamo col puntualizzare che ogni cane atto ad una funzione specifica è un cane da lavoro o per meglio usare la terminologia tradizonale in cinotecnia "working". Un cane da caccia è un cane da lavoro, un cane da traino è un cane da lavoro, un cane da custodia del bestiame è un cane da lavoro ecc.
Quindi in cinognostica (e in zootecnia in generale) per animale da lavoro si intende un animale che trova la propria "esistenza zootecnia" prettamente linked to a selection directed to one or more related functions.
The hunting dog, for example, can stop and report and in that sense there is a selection of a primary function (stopped) and a secondary affinity (banking).

deterimanata If a race has a specialized function will tend to define race to run, stops by race, race, etc. towed. in the common.
taxonomies tend to go over these parameters in the group of specific breeds. The taxonomy traces the European prevalence of morphological community as a primary factor, while the oldest in the taxonomy (and traditional) Anglo-Saxon is the function to be the key parameter.

should be observed that the Western breeds and the newer ones have a high degree of specificity, in contrast to those of ancestral type.

It 'true that the shiba (like all other native) is unlikely to fall so specialized meanings in the West, as it is not specialized hunting dog: a dog track to be followed for that wild hair with a pen, doing sin'anc functions hunting den, which was unusual breeds of selection nele Western and modern. Therefore
can be defined simply as "auxiliary hunting, hunting dog or generic.
The taxonomy parameter becomes difficult to implement on our own native because of the lack specificity in an auxiliary. In the first taxonomy was chosen in the group 6 (for all breeds native) giving the function to be followed as a function of prevailing.

The Shikoku and Kyushu are more sophisticated because of the shiba dogs are followed for ungulates.

the Akita, as is known, was used as an auxiliary fighter (of which Matagi model was chosen as the primary address selective in the latter period), but is also a highly respected watchdog, has been a fighting dog, and not very reliable sources will report to the soma even attitude.

In any case, the akita has had and has many uses in contrast to other breeds native of Japan, remained more incaridinate hunting in size.
So if the shiba is a generic auxiliary fighter and you can define "hunting dog", the akita has a feature even wider as the use has ranged from hunting and goes to guard, therefore, behind it in the most wide of "working".

This is to be noted that in reality the selection of the AK and the modern history of the AK is the most complex of the native and certainly the most dynamic in cherry-picking.

other hand, the akita breed is the most versatile and flexible, and can not think Japan views the history and environmental requirements of an area so small, they can find a space wide variability of breeds of dogs with hyper function as in Western breeds.

Someone had to do all the other native breeds were not able to do: this was the big akita!