Sunday, April 27, 2008

Rome Total War Prior Installation

Star Trip to Castellamare

Here we are all together again but this time we brought their husbands and boyfriends, or rather we have made to bring the exhibition of classic embroidery organized by Mr. . Barron.
Something wonderful did not know where to look prima tutte cose favolose, lì abbiamo conosciuto il Sig.Graziano e il direttore della rivista Ricamo Italiano che stava facendo le fotografie ai ricami esposti per farne un articolo sulla rivista.
Dopo ci siamo diretti al ristorante dove abbiamo mangiato a base di pesce (mangiare nei nostri incontri non manca mai !!).
Non ci siamo fatte mancare nemmeno il negozio della Sig.ra Barone dove abbiamo ammirato il suo laboratorio pieno di merletti, tele, armadi con matassine di tutti i tipi moulinè, perlè, ritorto fiorentino, un tavolo enorme dove lavorare, insomma un sogno per ogni ricamina che si rispetti. Naturalmente abbiamo acquistato, io ho preso dei nastrini di organza e della stoffa.

beautiful day, we had fun and the best thing our husbands are found all together. So we thought that the next outing could be in Paris but was rejected too dangerous for our pockets!!
is the lounge with all the embroidery on display

a tablecloth embroidered with coral shade point favolosaaaaaaa

The table with the embroidery of her students
Tovaglie di tutti i generi, pizzi, merletti, hardanger etc etc.
Una tenda da sogno

Questi elefanti sono ricamati su un lenzuolino per bimbo e inizialmente ci sembrano delle applicazioni !!!!!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

My Daughter Is Bad Should I Use Diaper Punishment

cloth cloth My collection of cloth

In questi giorni ho fatto tante cose ma ancora non posso pubblicarle.

Ho completato lo scambio Lizzie Kate già in viaggio non vedo l'ora che arrivi adestinazione, ho fatto alcuni regalini e posso farvi vedere solo questo, quanto mi diverto con il panno.
La destinataria è la mia dolce amica Ale di Verona per il suo compleanno, mi manchi tanto Aleeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Che dite le piacerà ?

Cervix When Period Stsrts


Ecco le ultime arrivate che si uniscono alla mia collezione, non ci posso fare nulla I can not resist and arriving there another .....

devodecidere But what to do if put in a picture or create a mega portaforbicine!!

Can Herpes Virus Survive The Laundry?

pinkeep We make the home of Pina

Here we are at another meeting this time in Sicily the mythical home of Pina, a compliment Pinuccia beautiful house is well appointed, rustic way I like it.

A pleasant afternoon, as always when we are all together, this time there were putante chatter, lots of laughter, purchases that never fail, gifts etc etc, but mostly eat and what we do just can not miss. Pina has filled a table of delicious things, chocolate cake, various cakes, tiramisu sfogliene and unbelievable but here it is dedicated to our club.

Now let's talk about serious things finally we sat around the table and we started to produce, each of us has brought her embroidery bellopronto most everything needed for assembly on the table c 'was all glue, padding, tape, fabric, scissors, short, well organized and the other between a laugh and here are the results.

This did Anna,
This did Katya, very particular in the form

This is Carmen, who then gave it to her mom happy

This is Ros who has succeeded in spite of the cries of his son

This did Linda

This is the smallest group of really good Danila

That's what Laura


did Marika

Here Anna's

And finally to my

What do you say we are not brave?

Thursday, April 3, 2008

A Really Good Girdle But Not Expensive

E 'birth club

Mammamia do not know where to start, so many emotions, so many new friends of all ages united by the same passion, so many presents in short all and then the first thing THANKS to all of you fellow club Crocette in Friendship and this is the name we chose together, (the caption does not tell you) and I am sure will lead us to do many good things together.

The very first is that Marika has created a forum where we can arrange for all our meetings and our activities and above all our chat because we make so many here is the link
few photos of our meeting I can understand the excitement and fun experienced in just 3 hours, the most intense in recent months. I created this card to try to bring a little happiness we have experienced all of us. I know it's a bit pesantuccia but if you have any minutes of patience and turn on the promised funds will not be disappointed!

Refund Pldt Disconnection


Mitica Lizzie Kate always ready to solve all the problems that too for creating this pinkeep made for the draw of our meeting Saturday, 29/03/2008

He won Danila and seemed happy to have received. I am pleased and I are both in Diveria make it happen.