Here we are at another meeting this time in Sicily the mythical home of Pina, a compliment Pinuccia beautiful house is well appointed, rustic way I like it.
A pleasant afternoon, as always when we are all together, this time there were putante chatter, lots of laughter, purchases that never fail, gifts etc etc, but mostly eat and what we do just can not miss. Pina has filled a table of delicious things, chocolate cake, various cakes, tiramisu sfogliene and unbelievable but here it is dedicated to our club.
Now let's talk about serious things finally we sat around the table and we started to produce, each of us has brought her embroidery bellopronto most everything needed for assembly on the table c 'was all glue, padding, tape, fabric, scissors, short, well organized and the other between a laugh and here are the results.
This did Anna,
This did Katya, very particular in the form
This is Carmen, who then gave it to her mom happy
This did Linda
This is the smallest group of really good Danila

That's what Laura

did Marika

Here Anna's

And finally to my
What do you say we are not brave?

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