Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Denim Maternity Jumper

Working Dog: Lexicon and Cinotecnica

Mi è giunta qualche perplessità sul discorso inerente all'Akita come Working dog nell'ultimo articolo apparso su "i Nostri Cani" a mia firma.
Alcune anche sarcastiche o ipersicure, per non dire spavalde.
Vabbhè ci vuole molta pazienza!

Cominciamo col puntualizzare che ogni cane atto ad una funzione specifica è un cane da lavoro o per meglio usare la terminologia tradizonale in cinotecnia "working". Un cane da caccia è un cane da lavoro, un cane da traino è un cane da lavoro, un cane da custodia del bestiame è un cane da lavoro ecc.
Quindi in cinognostica (e in zootecnia in generale) per animale da lavoro si intende un animale che trova la propria "esistenza zootecnia" prettamente linked to a selection directed to one or more related functions.
The hunting dog, for example, can stop and report and in that sense there is a selection of a primary function (stopped) and a secondary affinity (banking).

deterimanata If a race has a specialized function will tend to define race to run, stops by race, race, etc. towed. in the common.
taxonomies tend to go over these parameters in the group of specific breeds. The taxonomy traces the European prevalence of morphological community as a primary factor, while the oldest in the taxonomy (and traditional) Anglo-Saxon is the function to be the key parameter.

should be observed that the Western breeds and the newer ones have a high degree of specificity, in contrast to those of ancestral type.

It 'true that the shiba (like all other native) is unlikely to fall so specialized meanings in the West, as it is not specialized hunting dog: a dog track to be followed for that wild hair with a pen, doing sin'anc functions hunting den, which was unusual breeds of selection nele Western and modern. Therefore
can be defined simply as "auxiliary hunting, hunting dog or generic.
The taxonomy parameter becomes difficult to implement on our own native because of the lack specificity in an auxiliary. In the first taxonomy was chosen in the group 6 (for all breeds native) giving the function to be followed as a function of prevailing.

The Shikoku and Kyushu are more sophisticated because of the shiba dogs are followed for ungulates.

the Akita, as is known, was used as an auxiliary fighter (of which Matagi model was chosen as the primary address selective in the latter period), but is also a highly respected watchdog, has been a fighting dog, and not very reliable sources will report to the soma even attitude.

In any case, the akita has had and has many uses in contrast to other breeds native of Japan, remained more incaridinate hunting in size.
So if the shiba is a generic auxiliary fighter and you can define "hunting dog", the akita has a feature even wider as the use has ranged from hunting and goes to guard, therefore, behind it in the most wide of "working".

This is to be noted that in reality the selection of the AK and the modern history of the AK is the most complex of the native and certainly the most dynamic in cherry-picking.

other hand, the akita breed is the most versatile and flexible, and can not think Japan views the history and environmental requirements of an area so small, they can find a space wide variability of breeds of dogs with hyper function as in Western breeds.

Someone had to do all the other native breeds were not able to do: this was the big akita!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

How To Wax A Penis Vidoes

Post Offices and Dogs: I have never finished in the newspapers! The Health Ethics

not know if it's a question of hysteria of the moment or if I tend to be too liege to the state. The fact is that I have never finished in the newspapers yet signed and Sayuki were repeatedly thrown out from the post office of Castel San Pietro Terme (or better Sayuki was not that great "welcome").

This, in part cause my grumbling, and partly caused by the other people dirty looks when there were (I used to go to the post office hours absurd and never crowded), has never caused articoloni on the front page of any newspaper. Sayuki
and I we were discriminated against in this ?!?!? possible!

yet my forays into post with Sayuki were numerous: he is a puppy was thrown out by the director in person, by post office desert, a young man he was thrown out by a cashier (screaming), which has refused to do money as long as "the animal" was not released because it could disturb other people (who were petting the animal while filling me with questions that I was harshly reprimanded), and finally Sayuki sample famoso in paese dopo articolo di giornale, è stato buttato fuori dal medesimo ufficio postale dalla donna delle pulizie (con tanto di levata di scopettone minaccioso).

Tengo a precisare che Sayuki oltre ad essere di una educazione esemplare è anche un cane snob che ama i complimenti. Faccio presente al mio gentile lettore che da sempre Sayuki viene a fare shopping, al ristorante, in albergo ecc con me, quindi è un cane particolarmente avvezzo alla vita urbana, e non c'è mai stata ragione per cui lui non fosse più che ben accetto...tranne che in posta !!!

Tant'è che io, obbediente anche alla donna delle pulizie dell'ufficio postale, l'ho sempre legato fuori ad un posteggio per biciclette anche col solleone senza scatenare putiferi sul giornale.

Io non credo o non ho mai creduto, vista la normalità di essere buttata fuori dalla posta qualora disgraziatamente munita di cane , che tali fatti siano così grravi da dover scatenari putiferi mediatici.

Mi chiedo se questi casi mediatici sugli animali talvolta non siano un sintomo di isteria cllettiva o mancanza di valori e sensibilità verso i nostri simili(e quindi una incapacità di amare davvero gli animali) che usa gli animali per far passare emotività, frustrazione, aggressività verso le persone.
D'altra parte sulla porta del'ufficio postale c'è la targhetta col divieto di ingresso ai cani e quando si entra col cane si è in effetti in foul. My natural lack of discipline I have never done desist from raids in dogs equipped with mail, but objectively in the wrong was I!

office you visit, the Romans do.

Here in my small village of Ravenna, there is a small, charming, efficient, post office.
To tell the truth is far less chic than that of Castel San Pietro Terme, however, is very welcoming.
recently have ruled two postal employees not only very good (you have to see how they perform with Japan now) but also smiling and jovial. There antianimali
nameplate on the door, but my dogs do not enter.

In this post office, well before I arrived, making a stop down a cat sterilized, which is the neighborhood cat for several years: cared a little bit all over the country is now the cat's post.
Log in and out of office with absolute mastery, greets the audience cordialemtne fixed and occasional snoring in his chair near the radiator in the winter prefirta (get used to know that should not be occupied because it is the chair of the cat), is the honors.

My dogs are outside the post office more than anything else because the cat did not (rightly) his consent to their presence. The cat
mail prevents me from bringing dogs, just as the manager, the cashier and the cleaning lady. What can I

Well, this quiet routine of the country was "disturbed" to a user that has "threatened" the postman to call the ASL if the cat had not decamped. Question of hygiene: the cat can not just be the mail!
I do not know that ASL is going to evict the cat or that has been made (yet) officially reported.
So much so that, given the Italian ASL, which tend to turn anything into a sterile operating room, I would not be surprised of an eviction or worse than a cat shelter in deportation, or worse still a catch by a pious cat lady.

for now I hope that the cat may continue to do the honors in the mail ... and my dogs questo ad attendermi fuori dalla porta!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Condolences In Arabic

is also the Technical

Il benessere animale è un tema molto in voga oggi.
La finalità è condivisa da tutti, le vie come spesso accade no.

Voglio chiarire che, pur non essendo animalista, ho il massimo rispetto per chi opera a tutela degli animali, da qualunque estrazione provenga, senza distinzioni: da chi è animalista a chi lavora con gli animali.

l'etica tesa al benessere degli animali deve unire e non dividere.

La tutela degli animali a mio avviso NON ha matrice ideologica, ma sono principi Etici che accomunano tutti us.

The example of the Law 5 / 2005 in Emilia Romagna is an attempt to reconcile ethics and technology.
It 'true that I agree absolutely with the principles and the purpose of protecting and guaranteeing animal welfare, but I have criticized, has always some technical sides: everything is perfect.
Upon application of fact, this law is very repressive and oppressive towards the non-intensive farming, urges livestock facilities on the type Puppy Farm. I think the focus welfare on the farm is giving priority to quality and farms that tend to this, then I think the best fits well in the opposite direction to the puppy farm.

For some time I turn to the idea of \u200b\u200braising the quality and tended to increase. The farmer should grow up in a law that makes them feel protected and guide him along a path of quality, without inconsistencies that may also lead to periods of illegal or otherwise.
Unfortunately, the laws are born with intent repressive and oppressive especially to those who want to work well: rather often, starting from a good position in applying these laws are an obstacle to farming and high quality non-intensive.

I think the abuse is a scourge for breeding dogs, economies and well-being. why breeding should be accessible and regularly measure and dog breeder, with open minds ideological hidden behind the concept of animal welfare.

My frame of reference is where Scandinavian and Northern European breeding dog does not suffer from illegal by the presence of rules built specifically for the sector, with no preconceptions whatsoever.

For example, the structures in northern Europe are not designed on the model of intensive, and this is no small thing. In Italy, absurdly, the dog is experiencing a push towards strtturazione on intensive model for the reality of quality medium and small, often without taking into account the diversity of breeds.

long time and I would like to propose that the breeding canine take the path of sustainability environment and simplification of structures especially for those small and medium size.

The principle is consistent with the current government: Simplification and Emergence promote legality and control.

It 'true that the rules should be equal for all farms or refuges.
It 'true that the law should give the same guarantees for foundlings sterilized held in small or large numbers of livestock and dogs. 5

whole or neutered dogs are entitled to the same safeguards and then to the same obligations for dententori.

This is a desirable area of \u200b\u200blaw that is not born of hatred or class but by common ideological purpose della garanzia del benessere animale.

Questo per gli animali in primis, prima che per noi stessi.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Thick White Discharge Before Period?

Motti Today's

Oggi 2 pensieri, che fanno profondamente parte del mio io.

Pensiero nr1

E' meglio subire pregiudizi che esercitarli,
poichè la violenza è sempre legata all'ignoranza,
io non tollero la violenza.

Pensiero nr 2

L'aiuto ad anziani, bambini, cani, animali prima di tutto.
La solidarietà verso chi è in difficoltà, è un dovere etico di ognuno di noi,
non una questione ideologica.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Brown Haired Green Eyed Actresses

How many small truths in fairy tales sometimes

Un uomo camminava per una strada con il suo cane.
Si godeva il paesaggio, quando ad un tratto si rese conto di essere morto.
Si ricordò di quando stava morendo e che il cane che gli camminava al
fianco era morto da anni.
Si chiese dove li portava quella strada.
Dopo un poco giunsero a un alto muro bianco che costeggiava la strada e che
sembrava di marmo.
In cima a una collina s'interrompeva in un alto arco che brillava alla luce
del sole.
Quando vi fu davanti, vide che l'arco era chiuso da un cancello che
sembrava di madreperla e che la strada leading to the gate looked like pure gold
With the dog walked toward the gate, where one side was a man sitting at a desk
arrived before him, asked him:
- Excuse me, where are we?
- This is Heaven, sir, - answered the man.
- Wow! And you might have a bit 'of water?
- Yes, sir. Come in, I'll have some ice water.
The man gestured and the gate opened.
- can not even get my friend? - Said the traveler, indicating the
his dog.
- I'm sorry, sir, but we do not accept animals.
The man thought a moment, then turned round and went back in front with the way his
Dopo un'altra lunga camminata, giunse in cima a un'altra collina in una
strada sporca che portava all'ingresso di una fattoria, un cancello che
sembrava non essere mai stato chiuso.
Non c'erano recinzioni di sorta. Avvicinandosi all'ingresso, vide un uomo
che leggeva un libro seduto contro un albero.
- Mi scusi, - chiese. - Non avrebbe un po' d'acqua?
- Sì, certo. Laggiù c'è una pompa, entri pure.
- E il mio amico qui? - disse lui, indicando il cane.
- Vicino alla pompa dovrebbe esserci una ciotola.
Attraversarono l'ingresso ed effettivamente poco più in là c'era
un'antiquata pompa a mano, con a fianco una ciotola.
Il viaggiatore riempì la ciotola e diede una lunga sorsata, poi la offrì al
Continuarono così finché non furono sazi, poi tornarono dall'uomo seduto
- Come si chiama questo posto? - chiese il viaggiatore.
- Questo è il Paradiso.
- Be', non è chiaro. Laggiù in fondo alla strada uno mi ha detto che era
quello, il Paradiso.
- Ah, vuol dire quel posto con la strada d'oro e la cancellata di
madreperla? No, quello è l'Inferno.
- E non vi secca che usino il vostro nome?
- No, ci fa comodo che selezionino quelli che per convenienza lasciano
perdere i loro migliori amici.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Rebel Xt Firmware Hack

Scent of a mother!!

For now I can not do much, the only thing I blend for the head is this song .....

I feel something more than the belly and round the cheek what will
Today my head is spinning stomach is celebrating who knows what will
Now I make a hot tea and then later I go down and get you
make dinner with what's
Maybe I learned something tonight will be a surprise for you
There's not a knock on the door, is within I
I feel my adrenaline go up even higher,
while the scent of mom stops here
CHORUS: I already feel his heart beat reaches the fruit of ' love
is a prince of rock and then the night pamper
sarà bello come il sole, spero che somigli a me, lo sai che sono bella più di te.
Faccio uno squillo alla mamma le dico che nonna al più presto sarà
sto già pensando al suo nome, ma quello del nonno non credo che avrà
anche se poi non è biondo, il bambino più bello del mondo sarà
quando comincerà a dire mamma e papà
RIT: già sento battere il suo cuore arriva il frutto dell’amore
and its natural plants will be special music
chain to tie this love ever more
if you want you can now hear
.. his heart beat of our fruit 'love
is a prince of rock and then the night pamper
that star forward on the journey with me,
the game to share with you ..
for hours and hours in the love and pain in life that there is more life now
CHORUS: I already feel her heart beat comes the fruit of
is a prince of rock and then the night pamper
will be beautiful like the sun, I hope looks like me, you know I'm better than you

Friday, April 17, 2009

Ontario Canada Utility Trailer Licence Plates

Raising it means to love life

my every word, my every gesture,
dedication that brought the world's livestock is related to the concept of love.

Raising it means to love life means bringing
pass on the traditions of the people, the culture of the people, raise
means to love nature, nurture
means to love our neighbor.

There can be no hate where there is a hymn to life has always been a breeding ground of tradition, tradition of the people, the history of peoples.

Who is the bearer of hatred can not but hate farming and animal breeding.
who lives in the culture of hatred that can not use the life and animals to hate people.
who hate prosperity, can not fight the culture of the land, love of life,

Those who deny the dog breed animals that have always hated all this are: life, culture, tradition, love of creation.

I recognize myself in life and love.

The breed is part of life, history, traditional culture of each of us, every people is also expressed in porpri bred animals.
Preserving purebred dog means to preserve the living history of nations.

When a species dies, it dies on earth,
When a race disappears, it disappears part of the traditions of the people,
When a livestock is destroyed and disappears with it part of the story of us all. The denial of the assets

is the negation of the history that lives in the dog breed and is constantly renewed.
The denial of the identity of the dog breed is the result of that hatred in history ever led to violence and discrimination, the destruction of the Buddha watched by thousands of travelers every religion, the burning of libraries that contained all cultures , the destruction of works of art, the extermination of peoples.

The breed is the heritage of life carries within it the history of love for creation. Raising
means sharing traditions e la storia dei popoli di ogni dove.

Chi ama la vita, chi rispetta le genti, chi ha a cuore la storia dei popoli e la tradizione della terra, non può che lavorare per preservare ciò che il cane di razza rappresenta, non può che operare perchè nulla venga distrutto, non può che rispettare il cane nella sua integrità fisica, etologica e spriturale.

Elettra Grassi

Monday, March 30, 2009

Toure Kunda E'mma Medifire

Girls go to the blog of my sister has just launched a competition to win this beautiful box you just comment on what is' friendship, I saw her presence and I can assure you that is wonderful. Correteeeeeeeeeeee. Here is the link

Reoccuring Itchy Bumps On Buttocks

Competition Prize award My sister gave me this award and I'm so glad I'm here so the rules are

1 ) list seven things that I love
2) award seven blogs

start with the seven things I love most

1. I can not begin with my husband that the center of my life.
2. My dogs are five in all different but all stunning
3. My hobbies I can not live without, stoffine, wood, cardboard, color skeins, sewing machine, miscellaneous equipment, fantasy, dreams and desire to create new things
4. Sicilian group of my friends, now I can not do without them
5. Fish, the excitement you feel when the fish takes the bait is indescribable and then cook that fresh fish caught by me is phenomenal
6. The sun, the sea and the beach I'm looking forward to the summer
7. Living, thank God for giving me this opportunity and try to enjoy it in full each day.

Now I have to award seven blogs

1. small Danila, which every day becomes more and more good
2. my curuu that where the sound touches
3. my puff always full of energy and madness
4. my pineapple, my first contact in this world of crosses
5. my friend Dora, a large embroidery anda great woman, I miss him so much
6. sweet Katya, who understands me more than other people in some things in my life
7. my dear friend Laura found a gem in this sea of \u200b\u200bthe Internet, has already been awarded but I could not put it in this list

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sorority Interest Letter

various gifts

Right now I'm working on the little things loooong details aimed at people who I can certainly define best friends, so I can not show you anything .... Then I'll
waiting to see something back that I gave at Christmas

this is to exchange Christmas decoration that I made on the forum with my beloved Cross Ananas79

This kitchen sets instead I realized for my mom, I used the same fabric that my mother in the kitchen and the couch in the tents so it's in pandan.

Along with this jewelry box

Sunday, March 15, 2009

At What Temperature Copper Pipe Freeze


I saw this tutorial in Italian explained very well and of course I could not resist

Here's what I made a couple of days I'm really happy and satisfied, I took the opportunity to try to stitch the roses, are not bad but I have come to try and try again.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Regal Breadmaker K6743


Patrizia Carrano, Licia Colò, Margherita Hack, Giorgio Panariello, Daniela Poggi e Red Ronnie hanno firmato una lettera aperta al Pubblico Ministero di Ravenna, Daniele Barberini, chiedendogli di consentire l`affido definitivo dei cani sequestrati nell`allevamento Guberti, lo scorso dicembre. Il testo, diffuso dalla Lav ( ), intende riportare l`attenzione sulle condizioni in cui versavano questi animali, che vivano in condizioni simili a quelle di un lager.

Obiettivo dell`iniziativa anche quelli di puntare i fari sull`urgenza di consentire alle associazioni, che con innumerevoli difficolta` se ne sono prese carico in seguito al sequestro, operato dal Nirda del Corpo Forestale dello Stato, di darli in affidamento definitivo a famiglie che possano garantirgli un futuro sereno.

NOW I wonder before you can get anything, even in animals should expect a ruling?
In any case, a proposal that you can effectively take account of the integrity of these dogs?

why continue to deny that these pointers are a cultural heritage of the breed?
No one who really loves the dogs can have such prejudice

really love dogs means no pregudizi against them for what they are and not to undermine their identity.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Pregnant And Self Employed

Tilda sleepers

And I also got lost in the Tildamania, but I could not resist these sleepers make me crazy. I have to thank my little sister so much because I explained everything and helped me a lot to make clothes. Thanks Pupina TVTTTB. Special thanks also go to Katya sorceress of the clothes they gave us some advice.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How Does Cockroach Poop Look Like

Piglet covered jar for Benedetta

Together with friends from the forum we have created heaven cross stitch squares and then applied on a small quilt for the daughter of Benedicta Valentina was born in December.
This is the framework put to me, I love Winnie and his friends.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Dogs Wound Turned Black

Ethology: the fashion of the mismanagement of the dog's life shattered

TG5 I saw now the case of the Child in swaddling clothes, killed by the Neapolitan Mastiff, known race watchdog.
Exactly, WATCHDOG. This word, and any term referring to the attitude of a dog does not seem to have more value or fundamental parameter for gesione dog you have.

I am speechless and saddened, but this case gives me confirmation of: the management of dogs is much worse today than in the 80's, why do not you have multiple dogs, but for what they are anthropomorphized, or based on the concept of a bell jar 'ethological.

"are all equal, all are born as my neighbor's pug, is the owner incompetent or evil that makes the difference, not the dog"

This is a quite false assumption that can only lead to rampant mismanagement and poor welfare of the dogs (this is a new busness?)

The management of a mastiff is not that of a Maltese who is not that of a bloodhound that is not that of a husky and so on. As well as the necessary structures are not the same as the inclinations and ethological needs are not the same.

This does not mean that the mastiff is bad, means that the Mastiff is a guardian, not a dog as a pet Maltese, is different, and otherwise behaves beyond all the theories that sull'omogeniezzato ethological we have to candy everywhere. The Maltese should be understood as Maltese, Mastiff mastiff as: the strict observance of religious tradzioni and most diverse food, but you are not allowed to respect the diversity of dogs?

A small child's smell and movements (often unconsciously) that talvota wife is ill with the communication with the dogs, so that Aloro react. Should understand this Adut esssere the dog, the dog does not have to decide whether the strange being who is the child is a mnaccia or not.

80 years nobody would have thought to free the guard dog while there are children, especially infants, in the garden, the only protection of an elder. This is because the watchdog is the watchdog and the meaning of this word was neither negative nor taboo, but described the reality of ethological dog and was a sign of deep respect for the dog itself in its integrity. No dog in the 80's would be left alone, just as any child.

today are family dogs in the same way, regardless of the differences as if differences were a taboo that attitude is a total lack of respect for the dog!

happen and then these news stories and controversies that reopen to educate us to the same homogenized ethological leading owners to choose the wrong dog and manage it worse!

The response of the institutions? The pug
now the undersecretary reiterated the urgency of patentitini for ALL owners (even Pomeranian) for now optional (underlining for now!)
license to learn what??

If the license focuses on the fact that all we can handle everything and that all dogs are alike in needs and management ... well, is the homogenized ethological that for years there syrups and that led to this widespread mismanagement of dogs !
If you are meant to bring awareness to the owners, well-being, culture is never a bad thing.

not to mention the corollary to the basic principle of the homogenized ethology:

"since all dogs are good and equal by nature, ALL WE HAVE EVERYTHING just only have love and space! "

slogan is more idiotic??

I would not be able to have either a route or a malinois or a border or even a small terrier.
I I would live with these dogs and they hurt me. matter of feeling, but it seems that dogs can not be said ... why are all the same.

And I add that I would not be able and I would not be a good host for them with or without a license!

homogenization ethological the face (which I rather stodgy!)

:-) :-(

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What Thread To Use For Waffle Headband

Lately I have little time at my disposal, and then a little embroidery, I'm trying to finish some RR I'm holding for some time, but I can not do some little gift, last month there was Simy's birthday, and so taking a cue from blog Frimousse I created this jar for her. E 'was funny what you think ....

In addition to adding this little box filled with upholstered buttons and pins polymer clay by me

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Christian Hindu Wedding

are now five new dress

Si proprio cinque sono i cani che ad oggi vivono con me e Rosario.

Tempo fa vi avevo parlato di Stella, non sono arrivata in tempo a sterilizzarla prima del suo calore così mi ha portato un regalo ... o meglio otto regalini, già ragazzi questa grande mamma ha partorito, allattato e cresciuto otto cuccioli

E' inspiegabile la gioia che mi hanno dato tutti questi cuccioli, è stato difficile separarmene ma proprio non potevo tenerli tutti, crescono a vista d'occhio e mangiano come lupi

Vi presento chi è rimasto con me

Lui è HD a month and a half now and that is four and a half months weighs 20 kg and is expected to reach 40 kg and a glutton, and can not hear at all the blows, but basically it is a puppy can not stay away from his brothers

Coccolino This is a playful, soft and tender, but he commands all, we had given but he came back and so we decided it was to remain with us

E questa è Nerina, la femminuccia del gruppo, dolcissima ma monella, mi sono innamorata subito di lei e della sua macchia bianca sotto il muso e sul petto

Insomma non mi manca certo il da fare con these three boys.

How Much Does It Cost To Straighten Nose

New Year

Here I finally finished I changed the dress to my blog, I must say I am quite satisfied that I hope you like it too and now I have many things to make you see, already I was not at all stops in recent months.
start with this .. I lacked the technique of cartonage so I chose to start a small little thing and I gave to my little Danny (Ananas79) for Christmas

Friday, January 30, 2009

Brown Discharge Seasonique

Amiche mie

Here I am sorry the my long absence ... have not disappeared, too lavoro, troppe cose successe, troppe lacrime versate .... troppe ferite nel mio cuore, però una costante ormai esiste nella mia vita e di questo ringrazio Dio. Ecco un piccolo video realizzato dalla mia dolcissima Simy per farvi capire di cosa stò parlando. Basta solo guardarlo senza ulteriori commenti ... dimenticavo accendete le casse !!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

What Type Of Jackets Does Wisin Y Yandel Wear??


It 's amazing what you see now on this matter. E' incredible che gli Enti preposti alla tutela dei cani di razza non esistano, se non in azioni frettolose : e la tutela dei cani!?

Va bene così, hanno vinto buoni!

Ma hanno vinto i cani?!?!

La risposta a questa domanda non interessa a nessuno.
Prendo atto anche di questo.

Loro sono state e sono le uniche vere vittime.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Which Indian Actress Has Big Boobs


Di solito non affronto temi impegnativi o scottanti in questo blog.
Ma il mio animo is filled with sadness.
These days my land, this land of red Romagna is torn and inflamed by controversy for 250 Pointer that has always stood here. Pointer Romagna rooted in this land to the roots of Sangiovese, now eradicated as old weed roots.

These pointers have become a tremendous media event where it is impossible not to have an opinion perfectly aligned animality more ideologically extreme and intolerant than ever that rides great disdain and easy approval. Indeed, I should write the story around these Pointer, because no one speaks of them as Pointer and no last-minute screamer, between tears and outrage, seems interested.

Obviously we've seen an exhilarating (not to say grotesque) elbowing to get on the wagon so succulent that easily leads the newspapers with an easy, basic script to seguire.E I refer to politicians of all colors and symbols, with the old breeders new and pre-owned, exhibitors and people who do not even know the existence of a dog than the Labrador.

When writing of dogs there is a critical and there is never enough to have depth because the bad (always the farmer, ordered a priori) and the good, the animal.

The game media in the keeping of dogs that tirelessly, with no possibility of escape. There
analysis, there is no depth, no one ever asks how and why we are faced with problem situations. It 's always easy: there is a torturer, and there is good. No need to understand anything, comfortable no!?

While the usual scenario arises, I think the dogs, this Pointer, Fermator of excellence, and born in almost the ground and ripped from this earth in a trauma-based and gloomy.

The only real victims in this story.

victims at multiple levels because these dogs are not just dogs, not only pointer, pointers are also representing a symbol of excellence in the livestock world, but now we can say "They" were ...

Sono vittime come cani perchè nel bene e nel male , nel clamore dei media e nella furia dello sdegno li si è strappati senza tanti complimenti e come se non avessero un passato e un presente.
Senza prendersi il tempo di capire e di trovare una soluzione adeguata a QUEI cani così particolari con equilibri così delicati...
Semplicemente è il caso mediatico che interessa, nello stereotipo: il cattivo allevatore e il buon animalista. Ma di quello che davvero necessitavano questi cani...bhè quello proprio non è interessante....

Sono vittime come Pointer, nobili signori della ferma, che trovano nella caccia al becaccino la massima espresione di se stessi. Da domani gli verrà insegnato che la loro nature of hunting dogs, is unethical, does not conform to the ideology of the good at all costs. Dear
Pointer no longer run cutting through the wind, you're not coming home any more proud of the game bag full, with the signs on the athlete dell'intrepido muscle action in the bushes, never without statues, no more consensus, no more long days of hunting on express yourself, to do what ever you were born, because you were born wrong. But you
careful, if all goes well, a future of ethics that will teach you not to run for the wind, not to stop the becaccino, but being a fat, lazy, useless, anonymous dog without identity or joy to be what you are.
But so, Pointer my dear, you learn to be good for a dog!
As it is your very nature, is your very existence, to be wrong.
There is no respect, there is no knowledge, no love for what you really are, but you dear Pointer so that you will be saved, because you will no longer Pointer. Pointer

These are also victims as a heritage breed of dog, as the entire population of the entire line of blood is likely to be sterilized and dispersed. There will be no new breeders neither heirs nor anything else that can understand, learn and work on that excellence, because today, January 9, 2009, will witness the total destruction of this heritage.

This is the annihilation at all levels.

I write, his face streaked with tears, I do not have pointers, I've never bred pointer, I've had the pleasure of seeing these dogs at work.

But I understand that we are witnessing the historical moment of an entire line of blood that is ethically destroyed and crushed between large crowds of cheering and cries of the media.

The burning of the Library of Alexandria must have been something like, yes this story is a similar disaster.

I did not think in my short cinofilia remain in the official (only 8 years old) I never seen such a thing.

not want to write of human misery (and inhuman) that you see around. When these things happen and they fall masks the true nature of people comes out: the show, I assure you, it can be really creepy.
some dignity and honor honesty is not as widespread hypocrisy, a triple, betrayal and opportunism.

But in this dirty business entities and also there was evidence of people who are not conscious and surprising humanity and for their dedication and sensitivity in protecting these animals.

primarily ENPA now I admit, is an entity that did not know.
since '95 with a tenacity and a unique dedication to a prblem so complex was applied to find a solution compatible with the really real these dogs. And a solution that was really a full guarantee and protection of these animali.Non matter if external events have thrown the whole thing. The quality and honesty in dedicate to these animals will not be dimenticato.Sono really impressed. A praise to

admired Dr. Locatelli, ENPA President of Ravenna, with good and bad (but always within the law) helped to become aware of a problem here in Ravenna and was taking him to a compatible solution. I am deeply admired for the courageous stand for the protection of these animals during and after this bad seizure. If my dogs ever find themselves in difficulty as you wish it were people working on it. Know that the safe enough for me.

do not even know the counselor Ancisi, of Ravenna, but his question says much of the aid that he wanted to give these animals and this can not be forgotten, and a small dog from a breeder I say thank you.

I wish I could put this list in the farmers' associations and associations of hunting, but given recent developments, I just can not ... for a while the Pointer Club of Italy made me dream that there would be protection of dogs (not the farmer) such as dogs, as pointer and as a line of blood ... but it was just an illusion.

E termino here, his face marked by tears for these pointer that no longer exist today.