Sunday, March 13, 2011

What Stores Can I Buy Night Prowler Airsoft At?

INPDAP: Operational procedures for the assistance tax-Mod. 730/2011. Celebrations Unification of Italy

As every year, providing the necessary clarifications on the operating times and how to present the 730/2011 models and related deadlines, given that the Institute, including the current year, performs the service tax assistance directly to its employees and retirees.


retirees administered at each device or territorial, and its staff may, within May 2 coating, the model 730 / 2011 together with the envelope containing the Model 730-1 (choice of five and eight per thousand) duly completed and signed in the parts pertaining to the taxpayer. In the same way to ensure the presentation device at or territorial logistically appropriate officials of the Regional and social structures. The acquisition of the models at 730 is regulated by each device or territorial Inpdap agreement with the respective Regional Directorates for the purpose of publicizing the time and in an obvious way in which each employee or pensioner may present himself or with the alternative model 730/2011. May submit Model 730/2011, in various locations INPDAP, including retirees who have previously expressed the wish to avail direct tax assistance by the Institute.
Please note that all concerned can get service tax indirectly through CAF or a qualified professional, these same parties presenting the model 730/2011 and documentation not later than May 31 pv. Clarification on how, time and documentation to show in the CAF are required for individuals or qualified professional to take their own timetables and provide upon request specific assistance for completing the Form 730.

To learn more, click here

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Best Boobs Of Bollywood


Today in class we discussed and reflected on our behavior and we realized that we have a long road ahead to achieve a more civil society.
We do not need many purposes, but few would be sufficient only to pursue meaningful goals
Each of us has expressed his opinion, it came out a little list that if followed would make the world better.

is what we believe is essential to do:

- Helping our neighbors in need (poor, disabled ........)
- avoid war

What do you suggest?
Have your say and expand the list!

Blue Potato Bush Toxic To Dog

The bag in 2 G

Anche noi ragazzi della 2 G abbiamo vissuto l'esperienza della 1C, è stata tenuta nella nostra classe, dal sig. Mattogno Roberto, ex dipendente di una banca reatina, una lezione sulla borsa
E' stato bravissimo: competente, esauriente e chiaro nelle spiegazioni,simpatico e scherzoso.
Quasi quasi si potrebbe rinvitare,questa volta però per farci  consigliare quali azioni comprare!!!!!!!!
La sua lezione è stata veramente interessante, le notizie di economia si sono intrecciate con quelle storiche , geografiche e di costume.
Che bello! Niente noia!
And then, think, do not believe !!!.............. some students who are stretching all the morning, were so concerned that sembravanno "renewed."
So thanks for this day and forward to the whole bag !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wall Drain For Washer

PROGRAMMING aimed at students to promote integration of foreign students

The presence of foreign students in our school is a fairly recent phenomenon, but continues to grow. That's why we propose a simple programming directed not to teachers but to us kids.
What do you think?
might be effective? You
else to recommend?

- Promoting the integration of foreign students
- helping them to achieve possession of the necessary linguistic means to communicate
- Understand that we must cooperate with them for a multiethnic and multicultural society

signal acceptance and socialize with them to help them
- transition from their language to Italian

-call in our homes
-organize outings together
-Watching cartoons, films and documentaries in Italian
-Use of computer-Newspapers

-Simple picture books


Free Death Anniversary Invitation Cards

combat all forms of discrimination against foreigners! ! !

In our class there is a C any form of injury towards foreign students, a testimony to what we tell you our experiences in this regard.

Hello, I have 11 years, I was born in Rieti, but are of Moroccan origin. In the early years of my life I was a bit 'bad, because I was always afraid of Judgement of my class mates to me, now I no longer have these problems, I have many friends at school and in extracurricular activities. now I'm Italian!

am a girl from Kosovo, I am 12 years old and 11 are in Italy. I remember the nursery and primary school looked at me with suspicion, I feel observed and judged and sometimes discarded. Now I live a wonderful situation, are inserted into the class, I see no difference with my teammates who make me participate in all their activities and initiatives. I'm one of them!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Oovoo Cant See Myself


After Ample a problem present in the world , covering many human beings, we decided to put it on our blog a video that summarizes the topic examined.

We have tried so many emotions: sadness, pain, impotence, but we can not break down, we must not abandon hope of a better future for all .

not say more, See it and then express your feelings and ideas.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Strong Pulse In Stomach

The Wanderer and his Shadow

Rome, March 25, 2011 Park Villa De Sanctis in Casilina 675, at 18. 30, CLAC, will open its exhibition schedule with an exhibition, "The Wanderer and his Shadow"

Shadows Installing Ignazio Fresu

Sara `made with the sponsorship of the Lazio Region, the Province and the Municipality of Rome and VI Hall. The new exhibition space in the East of CLAC, Labicano Contemporary Art Center, was established on the initiative of municipal councilors, Massimo Luca and Gianluca Santilli and retrieves the city spaces of Villa Flowers, is located in posed a series of ambitious objectives: To introduce the area to Lauros Duos in the tourist circuits, allowing the enhancement of the catacombs and ruins Constantine, act as an incubator for entrepreneurial Town Hall in the sixth as galleries and art studios, showcases artists emerging permit a widespread and pervasive knowledge of contemporary Collaborate with young galleries and art magazines and cultura.Tale exhibition, sponsored by Misael and Masseria Felicia and curated by Alessio Brugnoli, with the support of Lanza and Flavia Emanuela China, is inspired by the unique dialogue written by Nietzsche.

exhibition of CLAC try to play for pictures, mirrors and puzzles, such reflections, involving in the project some of the most interesting Italian artists, both established, and emerging a broad dialogue between generations that is expressed through a diversity of forms of expression. Among the participating artists will include: Alessandro Di Gregorio, Salvatore Melillo, Andrea Martinucci, Dorian Rex, Mark Rea, Claudia Venuto, Vincent Bios, Ignazio Fresu, Valentina Majer, Luca Lillo, Marco Besana, Irene Salvatori, Francesca Fini, Gloria Vanni Fabrizio Jelmini, Chiara Fersini. During the exhibition will run performance of Sylvia De Ianni, Nausicaa and Vincent Martino Bios. Partners of the exhibition are: communications company Albavision, portals Art Balance Art, Art Fellas, social network dedicated to artists and curators, the photography magazine Potpourri (the traveler)

Labicano Centre for Contemporary Art - CLAC
The Wanderer and His Shadow
by Alessio Brugnoli

from March 25 to 15 April 2011
10-13/16-19: 30 Monday morning closed
Address: Casilina, 675 - Rome
tel. 331 6002678

Catchy Welcome Phrases

Monograph on Caravaggio with the Corriere della Sera Friday, March 11

monograph on Caravaggio with the Corriere della Sera Friday, March 11

Who Owns The Winnwell Brand?

opens March 11 at the Diocesan Museum of Milan, the exhibition "Eyes of Caravaggio," curated by Vittorio Sgarbi

Vittorio Sgarbi back in Milan to present a new exhibition illustrating the birth of which is a genius Caravaggio. Reconstructing the artistic training to the teachers by Simone Peterzano Veneto and Lombardy, an exciting journey documenting the precursors and contemporary artists Michelangelo Merisi (1571-1610), highlighting the works that the artist sees a person in his youth and what that his eyes absorb the artistic climate in Venice and Milan, before the final departure for Rome, which probably can be dated around 1595-96, as highlight the latest studies.

curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, the exhibition "Eyes of Caravaggio. The formative years between Venice and Milan "is produced and organized by Arthemisia Group in collaboration with the Diocesan Museum of Milan, sponsored by the Lombardy Region and made possible thanks to the fundamental contribution of Banca Popolare di Milano and Terna.

The exhibition brings together around sixty works of art, created by the greatest artists of the time, which will be exhibited in the Diocesan Museum, from 11 March to 3 July 2011.

The works of Giorgione, Titian, Tintoretto, Lorenzo Lotto, Jacopo Bassano, Moretto da Brescia, Giovanni Battista Moroni, Jerome Savoldo, Vincenzo and Antonio Campi, Giovanni Ambrogio Figino Peterzano and Simone and many more, in some cases never exhibited before, document the emergence of a new taste and a new conception of the figure in its relationship with space and light, which is vital for the growth of young Merisi ..... GO TO THE OFFICIAL SITE OF THE EXHIBITION

Making A Small Motor Out Of Cake

March 17, no school! SURVEY RESULTS

March 17 must not only be an opportunity to not go to school.
Here's what our opinion is:

-A moment of meditation on the facts that led to the unification of Italy;
-A memory of many people who have contributed Unit;
- reflection on the great values \u200b\u200bthat led to unification.

And what do you propose to celebrate this great event?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Old Diaper Genie Instructions


"Women's Day" . Great turnout to honor all women with an afternoon of dancing, entertainment, fun and ... A GREAT SHOW!

Also at the Centre for Socio Cultural Recreation Seniors "Memories" as part of International Women's Day is celebrated with the tricolor flags 150simo Unit of Italy.

"2011: Italy takes 150 years "
" 333 women in the choir sing the national anthem" with Edda
Luisa , Liliana, Maria and Giancarla

Armando, Pietro e la Band

The poetesssa Joan M. Nasta

Leonardo Donofrio, points out in his impassioned speech: "Today
here is celebrated Women's Day, 's Italy and the Italians "

Read Tuesday, March 8, 2011, International Women's Day

[ 1] [ 2] [3 ] [ 4] [5 ] [ 6] [7 ] [ 8] [9 ] [ 10] [11 ] [ 12] [ 13] [14 ]

Pregnancy Test Has Dots Not A Line

Valent'huomini the footsteps of Caravaggio in Rome. But the research should be supported. (Michele Cuppone article about the exhibition "Caravaggio, a life from life")

"Caravaggio in Rome. A life from life "at the Alexandria Room of the complex Borromini of Saint Ivo alla Sapienza, one can not say it's just a show and just as many, at the narrowest part of the content, only partially represented by works of art while the core and starting point are the documents kept in the seat of the State of Rome's Capitoline ses Merisi.

creator of this that, in effect, is a truly historic event and cultural director Eugenio Lo Sardo, whose appeal to preserve the precious papers from the ravages of time (especially threatened by the strong corrosivity of the inks of the time, so many pages that had mercifully reduced to shreds) released from the pen of the journalist and the "engine" of the Marco Carminati, was readily accepted by organizations, companies and private individuals (Arcus, Ics, Fit, Land Rover Italy, Eberhard & Co., Axa, Autoservizi Canuto, John Pezzola ), whose keen interest in preserving the memory is already in itself laudable. The high sensitivity and generosity shown to then have gone well beyond expectations, that from the original intention to restore and display the documents, we were able to activate the scholarships to conduct search operations in more than forty miles of shelves of the Archives. That there is much still to discover sull''ombroso ' artist who has left few direct witnesses and almost no autograph, so the biography is increasingly delineated by evidence in open court and lawsuits, contracts, purchasing and receipts, inventories and correspondence, ..... CONTINUES TO READ THE ARTICLE ON CARAVAGGIO400.ORG

Brent Corrigan Y Brent Everett

March 10, Rome, Palazzo Venezia: Opening of the exhibition "Caravaggio. CHAPEL Contarelli"

As of March 10, 2011, in parallel with the exhibition "Caravaggio. La Bottega del Genio" under way in the fifteenth century Palazzo Sale Venice, the Superintendency for the Historic, Artistic and Entnoantropologico and the Museums of Rome, directed by Ross Vodret, present in the former refectory di Palazzo Venezia un'esposizione che svela ulteriori misteri che si celano dentro ai dipinti realizzati dal genio di Caravaggio. "Caravaggio. La Cappella Contarelli" presenterà le straordinarie scoperte relative alle tele dipinte dal Merisi nella cappella Contarelli, situata all'interno della chiesa di San Luigi dei francesi a Roma.

L’iniziativa nasce dalle nuove indagini diagnostiche che sono state eseguite recentemente sui tre dipinti, Martirio di san Matteo, Chiamata di San Matteo, San Matteo e l’angelo. Questa campagna di studi è stata promossa dal Comitato Nazionale per le celebrazioni del IV centenario della morte di Caravaggio ed è inserita in un più ampio progetto di research aimed at the publication of a book dedicated to the technique of the works of the great master kept in Rome. It was back in 1951 when they were performed by the Central Institute for Restoration of the first X-rays of the paintings. The Martyrdom of St. Matthew was revealed the presence .... CONTINUES TO READ THE ARTICLE ON THE SITE OF MUNUS.COM

Monday, March 7, 2011

Forms Of Diaper Punishment

"All about ... The new pensions'

In recent years the social security system has undergone many alterations. And perhaps it has found its balance. Reforms that could have come full circle. It is well known both in their scope. Both in their possible decline in the coming years. These reforms is dedicated to driving "The new pensions' on sale from next Monday with the Courier just 80 cents. A practical manual, easy to read accompanying readers to the knowledge of car security. The most significant is that the units, the mechanism linking the pension to achieve a mix of contributions and age. In 2011 the old age pension has taken another step, with the share increasing from 95 to 96 employees and 96 to 97 for the self-employed. With a 'minimum age, respectively, 60 and 61 years. A altro giro di vite è stato dato anche allo scaglionamento delle pensioni. Le finestre si apriranno con minore frequenza. Il 2011 sarà un anno praticamente senza pensioni perché chi matura i requisiti nei prossimi mesi dovrà aspettare almeno un anno, se dipendente, e un anno e mezzo se autonomo prima di incassare la rendita. Nessuna penalizzazione per chi ha maturato i requisiti nel 2010. Dal 2010, poi, è iniziata la revisione dei coefficienti per il calcolo della pensione contributiva, E le aliquote verranno riviste ogni tre anni per tenere conto degli andamenti demografici. Per i giovani la rendita è destinata a una rapida cura dimagrante. Dal 2015 anche i requisiti per la pensione saranno legati alle aspettative di vita. La conclusione del percorso is that all will retire later and with a small allowance from the expectations with which they had started. And to that provided to their predecessors. A bitter truth. And he must do as a stimulus for reflection, serious and ultimately the need to invest in their futuro.Pubblichiamo the answers to certain questions come to the office. A similar doubt can easily be answered by reading "All about ... The new pensions'
To learn more, click here

Source Corriere della Sera. It's March 7

Slogans Healthy Eating

THREE personal

Dopolavoro Florence train
Club Presents PRATO

THREE personal
Group exhibition of painting
Mario aniello
Joseph Matera


opening exhibition Saturday, April 2, 2011 at 17:00
From 2 April to 17 April 2011


open Show hours: Daily: 16:00 / 19:00
Sunday: 9:00 / 12:00 to 16:00 / 19:00
Dopolavoro Railway
Piazza Stazione, 22 - 59100 Prato
Submitted by Enzo Correnti

Heartburn In Tenagers

Dear friends, we are
to convey the results of our investigation on the matter which mount time should be increased at the middle school. Surprised
???????????? I think not !!!!!!!!!!!

Physical Education 57%

English 11%


; English 9%

Mathematics 5%

; 3%           
                                                                     Art Education 3%

French 3%

Osteosclerosis Causes

Tomorrow March 8, WOMEN'S DAY

too much violence on women! ENOUGH !!!!!!!!!!!!

Say what you think

Ocharley's Cherry Lime Margarita Recipe

The scholarship is it?

We boys of IC we are approaching the world of journalism.
Facciamo un esempio, la BORSA .
Ci siamo chiesti: "Che cosa sarà?" La borsa di plastica ritirata ultimamente dal commercio?
E NO!!!!!!!!!! A spiegarcelo è venuto in classe il papà di uno di noi, il dott. Papi,

che da bravo bancario e da genitore consapevole delle nostre conoscenze, ci ha fatto capire che la borsa è un mercato finanziario dove vengono scambiati valori mobiliari e valute estere.
Quante nuove informazioni!
now know to connect the bag with historical facts, with the Agora, the Forum .... and how not to mention the merchants Van der Burse, Venetian family moved to Holland, and boasted a coat of arms consists of three bags.
E 'to them that we have the name of the bag.

Dear friends now know what it means to have share prices and who knows .......... one day we might even become shareholders of shares in height, of course !!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Eye Contacts Sharingan

Iron & Rust

clip_imageIR Staff Antonella Sassanelli
by: Agnes Mattiuzzi, Marco Marangoni
Since March 13, 2011 31 May 2011
Joy Barber Shop - Against Pedemuro San Biagio 33 - Vicenza

opening aperitif Sunday, March 13, 2011 h. 18:00
Djazz Paolo Berto September

The exhibition will be open to the public
by March 13, 2011 31 May 2011
from Tuesday to Friday h. At 10:00 h. 19:00
Saturday from h. 8.30 to h. 17:00
at JoyBarberShop Contrà in San Biagio 33 to Vicenza

for info tel. 0444 545872

http : / / ironandrust . blogspot . com

mostraironandrust @ gmail . com

Al JoyBarberShop Vicenza opens Sunday, March 13 to 18 h the Show Staff Antonella Sassanelli - Iron & Rust , edited by Agnes Mattiuzzi and Marco Marangoni .
The artist was born in Modena and training in Milan, in the '80s he studied acting, mime and dance to jazz Choreographic Research Center of San Calimero Milan. In the '90s, focuses only on writing: a novel, poetry and short stories. Web journals and works of both prose and poetry are recited in the theater and reading public. E 'in the new millennium that combines images to records, ranging from traditional painting to digital techniques, participating with his work in solo and group exhibitions.
Iron & Rust in the exhibition presents a meticulous and advanced, with the oldest material at the same time most useful of all time: iron. Treated in a surprising way, on paper, with precise control of rust, to create a veneer of impressive achievements. Controlled or left free to evolve over time, without the ability to contain its evolution with the heat, as happens on the sheet, but through processes and techniques originated from the challenge material, with the intent to make the public aware of any work produced at full potential of the material.
How does the curator Laura Cup "The Art of Sassanelli is a cerebral game. It is a slow slide film, has unearthed a photo printed on paper ossidata.Un story that leaves her lips stretched into a smile, with a hint of bitterness perceived only licked. An art like a seed planted by the world and nurtured by the gray matter. Sassanelli enhances the development of every shape and color that is given in its raw essence never mix until it merges into a new conceptual, where color is mellow and light, liquid form is elusive. What is a face, a mouth or face, the artist removes the potential for detail and the stitches to support elevating it to art work. Antonella Sassanelli is an artist with big eyes. Eyes that pierce the blanket that can erase the edges and turn the tone to observe and averred. Reality that fertilizes the wisdom, knowledge and living memory, is the cradle in the bowels and is born as an art. "

The exhibition will be open to the public from March 13, 2011 31 May 2011 Tuesday to Friday from h. At 10:00 h. 19:00, Saturday from h. 8.30 to h. 17.00, at the JoyBarberShop Contrà in San Biagio 33 to Vicenza

Opening with an aperitif Sunday, March 13, 2011 h. 18.00, September Djazz Paolo Berto.
attend the artist

Quick Claim Deed Cook County

MY TUSCANY - Edin Dino Malovic


Ass.Culturale Art Art


Exhibition Centre Antonio Berti,

Via Bernini, 57 Sesto Fiorentino-Florence







municipality of Sesto Fiorentino


Chamber of Commerce Bosnian

Idea Tuscany


Coop Sesto Fiorentino

Biagiotti Bertini and furnishings

SP International

Unipol Insurance

Toscana Foto Servis

Library Reborn

Sarzola-Risporante Pizzeria

Seniors Association Sesto Fiorentino

Italian Pensioners' Union

Ciampi and Vannucci Electrical


OPENING March 6, 2011 AT 11.30


FROM 6 TO 20 March 2011


10-13 / 16-19 Sunday






Culture Council municipality of Sesto Fiorentino-MAX ROLLIN







'My Toscana'-Edin Dino Malovic,

at the Exhibition Center Antonio Berti - Sesto Fiorentino

Opening Date 06 / 03/2011 at 11.30

Saturday March 6 at 11:30 am Exhibition Centre opens oil press Antonia Berti in Sesto Fiorentino, the artist's personal Bosnian Edin Dino Malovic

The event curated by Francesca Roberti showcases 30 graphic works and 15 oil paintings and mixed media on canvas.

This event marks the significant presence of international artists on our territory.

The title: 'My Toscana', wants to be an exhibition dedicated to the land where he now lives Malovic important artist who was born in Sarajevo in the middle of last century, after an intense next to artists like Emilio Vedova, Roberto Barni, Annigoni and many other international artists and following the war of the 90s in Bosnia, is trasfersce in Italy and come in Sesto Fiorentino, now his adopted city. His poetic art after the dark years have seen a significant change in style that preserves the incisive but has a style-oriented coloring

Works in which Malovic is a close similarity between Tuscany and Bosnia are very similar from the boundary lines of the region, nature, simplicity, the colors.

A strong love for our land, as evidenced in the nostalgia of his land of birth.

The event will be presented by Prof. Viaggiano Antonio Berti Foundation President and Director of the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence and the dr. Francesca Roberti art historian and curator of the Ass Art Art Impruneta.

attended by the President of the Province Andrea Barden, Mayor Gianni Sesto Fiorentino Janus and Councillor for Culture of the Municipality of Sesto Fiorentino Massimo Rollino

The exhibition will be open from 6 to 20 March 2011 with time: from Monday to Saturday 16-19 Sunday 10-13 / 16-19

For INFO: 3335778330 art art; Catalogue available shows