Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Pregnancy Test Has Dots Not A Line

Valent'huomini the footsteps of Caravaggio in Rome. But the research should be supported. (Michele Cuppone article about the exhibition "Caravaggio, a life from life")

"Caravaggio in Rome. A life from life "at the Alexandria Room of the complex Borromini of Saint Ivo alla Sapienza, one can not say it's just a show and just as many, at the narrowest part of the content, only partially represented by works of art while the core and starting point are the documents kept in the seat of the State of Rome's Capitoline ses Merisi.

creator of this that, in effect, is a truly historic event and cultural director Eugenio Lo Sardo, whose appeal to preserve the precious papers from the ravages of time (especially threatened by the strong corrosivity of the inks of the time, so many pages that had mercifully reduced to shreds) released from the pen of the journalist and the "engine" of the Marco Carminati, was readily accepted by organizations, companies and private individuals (Arcus, Ics, Fit, Land Rover Italy, Eberhard & Co., Axa, Autoservizi Canuto, John Pezzola ), whose keen interest in preserving the memory is already in itself laudable. The high sensitivity and generosity shown to then have gone well beyond expectations, that from the original intention to restore and display the documents, we were able to activate the scholarships to conduct search operations in more than forty miles of shelves of the Archives. That there is much still to discover sull''ombroso ' artist who has left few direct witnesses and almost no autograph, so the biography is increasingly delineated by evidence in open court and lawsuits, contracts, purchasing and receipts, inventories and correspondence, ..... CONTINUES TO READ THE ARTICLE ON CARAVAGGIO400.ORG


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