Monday, March 7, 2011

Forms Of Diaper Punishment

"All about ... The new pensions'

In recent years the social security system has undergone many alterations. And perhaps it has found its balance. Reforms that could have come full circle. It is well known both in their scope. Both in their possible decline in the coming years. These reforms is dedicated to driving "The new pensions' on sale from next Monday with the Courier just 80 cents. A practical manual, easy to read accompanying readers to the knowledge of car security. The most significant is that the units, the mechanism linking the pension to achieve a mix of contributions and age. In 2011 the old age pension has taken another step, with the share increasing from 95 to 96 employees and 96 to 97 for the self-employed. With a 'minimum age, respectively, 60 and 61 years. A altro giro di vite è stato dato anche allo scaglionamento delle pensioni. Le finestre si apriranno con minore frequenza. Il 2011 sarà un anno praticamente senza pensioni perché chi matura i requisiti nei prossimi mesi dovrà aspettare almeno un anno, se dipendente, e un anno e mezzo se autonomo prima di incassare la rendita. Nessuna penalizzazione per chi ha maturato i requisiti nel 2010. Dal 2010, poi, è iniziata la revisione dei coefficienti per il calcolo della pensione contributiva, E le aliquote verranno riviste ogni tre anni per tenere conto degli andamenti demografici. Per i giovani la rendita è destinata a una rapida cura dimagrante. Dal 2015 anche i requisiti per la pensione saranno legati alle aspettative di vita. La conclusione del percorso is that all will retire later and with a small allowance from the expectations with which they had started. And to that provided to their predecessors. A bitter truth. And he must do as a stimulus for reflection, serious and ultimately the need to invest in their futuro.Pubblichiamo the answers to certain questions come to the office. A similar doubt can easily be answered by reading "All about ... The new pensions'
To learn more, click here

Source Corriere della Sera. It's March 7


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