Saturday, February 26, 2011

How To Build A Cement Hot Tub

Today will be a police officer in the district

pupils 2d want to identify with a group of policemen neighborhood that is close to our school and "censorship" some of our behaviors on the road.
Ah, now they will be trouble!
Here's what you should not do:
-not to put paper on the ground;
-do not write on the walls.
-not kicking cans or other;
-you are not standing on the benches-
not trample the flower beds;
-Do not cross outside of the strips pedestrian;

Thursday, February 24, 2011

South Park 1408 Streaming Watch

Tuesday, March 8, 2011, International Women's Day

" Today begins the celebration of women!
Joan M. Nasta (photo Nasta the poet and the Vice President Francisco Miranda)
cities are colored yellow mimosa Aggiungi immagine splendor - that have become the symbol of this event - Each small, round flower contains the pain and the joy of every woman who has lived ... "read more

MARTEDì 8 marzo 2011
Centro Socio Ricreativo Culturale per Anziani "Ricordi"
Via Boscovich n.42 -20124- Milano Tel. 02 29400538

Biglietti gratis per partecipare al sorteggio di regali and gift!

Armando, Nicholas and the Band

with participation :
of Edda





and Giancarlo

"Socio Recreational Cultural Centre for the Elderly" Memories "by L. Donofrio PRESS: " Women's Day. " We look forward to many per rendere omaggio a tutte le DONNE con un pomeriggio di ballo, animazione, divertimento e ... UN GRANDE SPETTACOLO!!! »

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sparklers As Wedding Favors Saying


«Lo sapevate che... il certificato medico che attesta l'idoneità fisica o psichica alla guida»

Ecco le novità per la certificazione medica relativa al conseguimento o al rinnovo della patente di guida.

Il Ministero delle infrastrutture e trasporti, con decreto del 31 gennaio 2011 ha disciplinato le modalità di transmission of a medical certificate for obtaining and renewal of driving licenses.
objective is to identify procedures to be traced with certainty to the doctor issuing the certificate of physical fitness and mental, to be submitted to the attainment or renewal of a license, he has to ensure that the requirements of the law.
For the purpose of issuing the certificate of physical and mental fitness necessary for obtaining the license, let alone those required for renewal of validity of itself, doctors belonging to the government must obtain an identification code to the office of the operator responsible for the area (based on where is located the office to which they belong);
code appears at the end of the certificates with the stamp and signature
doctor's certification and the information office of the same membership.
authorities notify the data processing center of the Directorate General for the operation from which each event resulting termination.
Doctors also retired military, or no longer belong to the structures for purposes other than a quiescent state for the issuance of certificates must apply for an identification code to the office of the operator responsible for the area, to report on certification with the signature of the physician .
the requested code must be accompanied by a statement of the certifier, such as not having been dismissed from office for disciplinary reasons or because of criminal convictions, or released from his duties due to illness.
Until the date of August 31, 2011
doctors belonging to the authorities may issue certificates of suitability for psycho-physical in the manner prior to the reform. Read
Driver's license, medical certification for the new

Monday, February 21, 2011

Stir Fry Noodles Calories

CARAVAGGIO IN ROME. FROM REAL LIFE (full video of the visit of Egyptian Trombetta)

Nicolaci go along with Michael, a pupil of Alessandro Zuccari, the route proposed by in grand show : Caravaggio in Rome. a life from life. The program at the Palace of Wisdom (during the Renaissance, 40), Hall of Alexandria, State Archive of Rome. The service offers the full video tour and commentary Nicolaci.

Federica Papi, Francesco Curti, Antonio Cesaro, Daniela Soggiu, Orsetta Baroncelli, Patrizia Daniele Balduzzi and sweeper are the names of the seven researchers, led by Orietta Green and Michele Di Sivo, rewrote his biography of Caravaggio. Eugenio Lo Sardo, the manager of the archive, a year ago launched an appeal on Sole24Ore: "There are thirty books to be saved and used to book two thousand euro. Who can help me. " And help was. Arcus, Italian Federation of tobacconists, Land Rover Italian, Eberhard, the institution of sports for the credit, Credito Bergamasco Foundation, private citizens as Schioppo Raffaele, John Canuto Gianni Pezzoli and helped put together a decent little sum: about two hundred thousand euro, three times the amount requested. So good that Lo Sardo ago? Hires seven researchers mentioned above, buy the boards that will be used to show time course and pay a bunch of bills in arrears. A genius! And the researchers did not betray the expectations, indeed, have stunned everyone: they found the documents, as mentioned above, re-write the biography of Caravaggio. In what year did Caravaggio came to Rome? Because the painter had demolished a part of the ceiling? It 's all explained in the show. Caravaggio in Rome. A life from life, and with documents in hand ... A great Nicolaci Michele, guides us, tirelessly through the path of an exhibition simply extraordinary "The place is not what is usually used to host exhibitions - Michele begins .... SEE THE VIDEO ON THE BLOG AND ARTICLE OF EGYPTIAN TROMBETTA

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Strongyest Hydrocodone

for the Elderly in Menton Lemon Festival 2011 Valentine's Day


The Lemon Festival, February 18 al 9 marzo 2011, a Mentone, in Francia : rappresenta un grande evento che celebra le famose coltivazioni di limoni.

Festa dei Limoni 2011 - Programma

Sfilate dei frutti d'oro - Maschere, costumi e musica per una sfilata all'insegna del limone di Mentone - Quando: tutte le domeniche su Promenade du soleil
Sfilate Noturne - Gruppi folcloristici, musica, ballerine e naturalmente carri di arance e limoni - Quando: giovedì 24 febbraio e 3 marzo 2011 su Promenade du soleil
Esposizione di agrumi - Nei Giardini Biovès un'esposizione unica sugli agrumi - Quando: daily Biovès Gardens (near the tourist office)
Gardens lights - During the evening, from 20.30 Biovès the Gardens are transformed into a play of light and sound - When: 18, 22, February 25 and 1, 4 March 2011 Biovès Gardens (near the tourist office)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Jesse Jane Free Clips

Rome, February 22, at 11: preview screening of the docu-drama of Rai Educational: "Caravaggio in Rome" - (February 24 RAISTORIA up and RAITRE)

"Caravaggio in Rome": the journey of a soul to celebrate 'genius artist and' the theme of the docu-drama produced by Rai Educational occasion Four hundred years after the death of Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio.

The appointment 'for Tuesday' Feb. 22 at Madison cinema of Rome (via Gabriel Chiabrera 121 11.00 am - admission free).

''Caravaggio in Rome''will be 'revived after Thursday' Feb. 24 story by Rai (23:15 hours) and Rai Tre (00:40 hours).

On 18 July 1610 on the beach at Porto Ercole died Michelangelo Merisi, for all the Caravaggio, painter of genius with his sudden change 'of world history forever earned a place in eternity'.

Just to celebrate the Lombard artist, a little more 'than four years after his death, Rai Educational previewed the docu-drama''Caravaggio''in Rome, a work that draws inspiration from the exhibition held at the Stables Quirinale in 2010. A one-hour documentary (directed by Rubino Rubini, Director of the Experimental Cinema of Milan with text by Luigi Giuliano Ceccarelli, author of documentaries and films for television), divided into two parts, which leads the viewer into the fibers of each painting teacher on a trip unique. the former is' the reconstruction of historical environments and characters of Caravaggio (played by plaintiff an opportunity Ivan Franek), from a narrative device: Michelangelo Merisi returned to Rome and visit the exhibition that the city 'dedicated to him, along the halls and revisiting himself, his memories, his artistic career and human. The second part of the review of the opinions of leading experts - from Claudio Strinati Calvesi in Mauritius, by Vittorio Sgarbi Scarlett Vodret, Francesco Buranelli Eugenio Lo Sardo - that help to better understand the phenomenon''Caravaggio'' in art history and much more: a popularity 'has remained unchanged over the centuries.

In addition to the substantive and formal,''Caravaggio in Rome''is notable for aspects Technical shot with technology to take back the 4K Red Vision, and 'the first product developed by Rai high definition.

To introduce the projection art historian Claudio Strinati, the project manager and host of Art News Maria Paola Orlandini, director Rubino Rubini.

Breastfed Baby Stinky Pee

Aired on February 27 National Geographic: "Caravaggio, the body finds"

On February 27, will air on National Geographic Channel's documentary on SKY "Caravaggio: BODY FOUND" , research conducted on SUSPECTED remains of Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. As expected from the trailer is clear from the sharp style approach "CSI" or "COLD CASE", non avevamo dubbi che sarebbe andata così.... CLICCARE QUI PER VEDERE IL TRAILER VIDEO


How To Get Rid Of The Syphillis Rash On The Face

Today we offer a survey .........

What subject taught in school the second time you should be increased?

Express your opinion!

in ten days we will guide e chissà quale sorpresa verrà fuori!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Male Waxing Eyebrows Before And After Pic

A new day, a new experience to tell

Oggi vi vogliamo parlare di un'iniziativa che ci accompagnerà per tutti e tre gli anni della scuola media:

Progetto sperimentale longitudinale di promozione della salute

E' un progetto promosso dall'Azienda Unita' Sanitaria locale di Rieti in collaborazione con la Regione Lazio e la nostra scuola.

Dal mese di ottobre, con cadenza quindicinale, ci incontriamo con un'equipe composta da una psicologa, un'assistente sociale; con loro affrontiamo vari argomenti.
Durante il primo anno tratteremo tematiche che ci consentiranno di raggiungere il seguente obiettivo specifico:
conoscenza dell'adolescente e della sua quotidianità.
I lavori che abbiamo realizzato fino a questo momento sono molti, di seguito ve ne riportiamo alcuni.

                                                                  Class 1c

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Does La La Wear Weave

Rome from February 24 to March 4: Show "THE INVENTOR OF THE BLACK" - Tribute to Caravaggio's contemporary artists

Tributo a Caravaggio di artisti contemporanei
Variazioni sul Nero in omaggio al grande genio milanese. Il Nero come anima della modernità. Il lato oscuro della luna. Tecniche e mondi diversi a confronto. Da un’idea di Laura De Luca

Rome - Galleria La Pigna - Palazzo Maffei Marescotti - Via della Pigna, 13th - from February 24 to March 4, 2011

Opening: Thursday, February 24 18.00 - During the evening, staged reading of The Inventor of the Black Laura De Luca, with Gabriele Parrillo Role of Caravaggio.

books: Palma Bellardone - Alison Brown - Cecilia Di Rocco - Gino Filippeschi - Marisa Gramola - Marco Iacobelli - Marussia Kalimerova - Tania Kalimerova - Carlo Marraffa - Paola Marzano - Meg Ellen Mason - Barbara Nardacci - Cecilia Christmas - Vittorio Pavoncello - Edward Pinto - Pinto Enrico - Nicoletta Retico - Diego Romano Danilo Susi - Giuseppe Tricoli - Renata Vernaglia

Cheat Pokemon Shiny Gold


Hey guys! You are like me, associated with the Red Cross ambulance that whizzes by cutting the traffic with its flashing light and its deafening noise?

Well, not exactly as I thought!
to clarify one's ideas was the Provincial Commissioner CNF of the Red Cross, Professor Luis Di Marco.
With three meetings of the students we 2G 1C and we discovered the little secrets of the Red Cross.

And 'thanks to you, we are now aware of the true and deep meaning of this association.
The respect for the human being without distinction of sex, race, religion and language, is one of the seven principles of the Red Cross, together with the neutrality, independence, voluntary and universal.

I believe that we, in our small, we should inspire us to this valuable association and give a bit 'of our humanity and to help those in need, friend or foe as it is, without fear of skin color and religion, without being afraid of diversity, will have to give and give.
                                                                                                 Beatrice Class 1 C