Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sobriety Congratulations

Teramo, January 14: Book presentation: "Caravaggio, like a portrait" of Francesca Cappelletti

Friday, January 14, 2011, at 18:00, at the Sala Cute Gambacorta Bank of Teramo, An important study will be presented by Francesca Cappelletti entitled "Caravaggio. A picture like "(Electa, 2009). The event is organized by the art historian Manuel Valleriani, who will speak on the work on the great master in direct conversation with the author.
The presentation of the book is part of the celebrations - still underway in various parts of Italy - the fourth centenary of the death of Michelangelo Merisi called Caravaggio (1571-1610).
For the occasion the entire corpus of the artist is repeated in this elegant volume by Francesca Cappelletti, a scholar of painting of the seventeenth century, known for its archival research related to Caravaggio's painting "The Capture of Christ" (1602) - tracked down in Dublin in 1993 - and for being, after this story, the protagonist of Jonathan Harr's novel "The Caravaggio found "along the lines of this discovery.
An authoritative monograph on the master - enriched by a special photographic campaign, supported by Electa, of 160 illustrations - to the general public, but updated on recent studies, based on a thorough reconnaissance of the powers and documentary data, that invites reflection on a catalog of works to be considered as a realistic basis for further attributions ..... CONTINUA A LEGGERE IL COMUNICATO STAMPA COMPLETO


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