What could never hold that "in case of twelve books," inventory in the well owned by Caravaggio in August 1605, the house rent alley San Biagio (now dead of Divine Love) ? A considerable number of volumes, a figure that sources represent less inclined to study, and should stimulate the curiosity of historians. By an exercise of imagination, one might think of a collection of engravings (often his subjects suggest models from various sources), or even to texts of Scripture (translated literally in more than one work), or why not, Magic naturalis by Giovan Battista della Porta. A specific proposal, yet strong likelihood, if the quotations in the sources, studies of painting technique, material traces on the canvas, and several other 'evidence' led to suppose at least the knowledge on the part of the artist, the principles enunciated by the philosopher Campania , the first to describe the use of the camera obscura in painting, to allow easy and accurate representation of reality to those who were fasting the brush. The bibliography on the expanded ... CONTINUES TO READ THE ARTICLE ON CARAVAGGIO400.ORG
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