Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Swot Analysis Of A Salon

Occultism in Caravaggio's "Beheading" John the Baptist (from Blog Maurizio Decollanz)

La Decollazione del Battista (1607-8), opera made in Malta, is certainly an important hermeneutical key to understanding not only of the last production of paintings by Caravaggio, but also of his early paintings.
The Beheading of John the Baptist, as we know, is the largest canvas Caravaggio ever painted. In this work is the vastness of architectural space, with its horizontal and circular shapes and dominates the scene, which seems to be in an ideal stage of a theater of cruelty of Antonin Artaud imagined and realized by only a few centuries later.
In this stage, the background is formed by high outer walls of a prison. The climax takes place for just before his front door. Al suolo giace stramazzato il corpo del Battista. Il carnefice piegato su di lui gli tiene la testa ferma con la mano destra mentre con un coltello impugnato nella sinistra, tenuta dietro la schiena, si prepara a staccargli di netto la testa. La giovane Salomé si china premurosa verso il carnefice porgendogli un canestro di vimini. Il carceriere con le chiavi alla cintura e lo sguardo fisso per terra punta l'indice della sinistra in direzione del canestro nell'atto di ordinare la fase finale della decollazione del santo e la destinazione della sua testa.  Un'anziana domestica della giovane principessa in preda all'orrore innanzi alla scena di macelleria, che le si presenta innanzi, con le sue mani sorregge il capo in procinto di vacillare. La sua è the only reaction of dismay before the merciless cruelty of execution. Two prisoners, finally, curious protrude from behind the grates of the prison to witness the scene of the beheading. Among all these characters in the play, however, there is only one exchange of looks. All eyes are firmly on the ground, soil, where it lies prostrate on the victim whose face expresses unspeakable suffering. The blood leaking from the neck semitroncato of the saint, as the center and almost on the verge of a lump under the framework of a pinkish liquid ... CONTINUES TO READ THE ARTICLE Blog REBUSTV


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